
Chapter 202 - 202

"It\'s a chance..." a voice whispered as they watch the conflict of words that is about to escalate into a full brawl. The owner of the voice raised his body up and started looking for a target.

"What are you doing? Get down!" the one beside him scolded as he pulled down on his arm and caused him to fall to the ground face-first as he was unprepared for the sudden pull.

"Just let me do this... It won\'t give away our whereabouts," he replied as he pushed away the hand that was gripping his arm. He brought out a sword which was similar to the ones used by their enemies as he turned it into a dagger since he liked its design but he never thought that it would be put to good use.

"Prepare to retreat..." the leader of those in the shadows commanded as they slowly crawled away from their comrade who is now half exposed as he aimed.

The argument between the overseer with his loyal subordinates and the other Ereians began to heat up as their words became cusses and no longer just simple complaints.

"Screw you... You have a better life than us... You get to enjoy better food and bed than us but we toil more than you do! All you do is give commands and nothing more! And you have the nerve to take away our rations! You bastard!" a man with a slightly obese body shouted as he unsheathed his blade and pointed it towards their overseer and loyal followers.

"He is right... We deserve better treatment than this... We are the ones who suffer more... We should be the ones getting better treatment! Not you!" a man with a fatter body chimed in as he too drew out his blade. There was a white strip of cloth on his right arm and the hilt of his blade just like the man beside him.

"So you guys want to rebel... Very well..." their overseer confidently muttered before smugly turning around. "Take their heads... Leave none alive..." he ordered in the same fashion as greeting someone a good day.

"Hey, Kroth... Kroth... I think they are splitting up..." the one who was half exposed almost shouted as to get the attention of their leader.

"I hear them and that is Captain Kroth... Don\'t forget to add my rank... You are still under me." Kroth replied as he gave up on sneaking since their enemies are too busy arguing with each other and are at a standoff already.

"Yeah... yeah... Don\'t forget that you are my brother before you even became a captain. That... You should not forget." Bakrah stated the obvious as he was fed up with his brother being always conscious about his rank that he always omits when he calls him.

"I think if I am not mistaken... Those with a strip white cloth on them are with us." one of their comrades stated as he pointed at the Ereians who had a strip of white cloth on their arms and weapons.

Bakrah and Kroth moved their gaze towards those who their comrade was pointing at. Many of those that are against their commander had a piece of white cloth on them which would mean that they are friendlies. As they moved their gazed towards the commander of their enemies, they weren\'t able to spot even a single telltale that they are friendlies.

Kroth quickly decided that they should give their enemies now turned friends a hand. He waved for his squad to come to him as he brought out his crossbow.

"Form a single line. Aim for the group without a strip of white cloth." he swiftly commanded as he began to take aim. He glanced towards his squad and saw his brother standing still.

Kroth got up from his kneeling position and gave his brother a smack in the back of his head. "What are you still standing there for, bring out your weapon and take aim. Ain\'t this what you wanted, to cause some trouble." he scolded as he went down on one knee and aimed for a target.

"Tsk... I was just trying to see if they have beauties among them. It would be a waste if we accidentally kill one..." Bakrah grumbled after clicking his tongue then proceeded to go in the same stance as the others. He went down on one knee and aimed his weapon.

"Report, who you got your sights on!" Kroth questioned as his gaze still stayed on his target.

"I\'ll take care of their leader!" Bakrah quickly responded as he adjusted his aim after seeing the smug look on the overseer of the Ereians. He didn\'t know why but the moment that he saw that smug look on his face, he hated him that he wanted to go tear his head away from his body.

Reports came after one another as the Verakhs chose a new target after the one they are aiming at was already claimed by someone else in their squad.

"Right....keep it steady... After the count of three." Kroth commanded then he began counting as he focused his gaze on his target.



"Just get it over already..." Bakrah complained after his brother paused and didn\'t continue the count. His trigger finger was already itching to squeeze the trigger and wipe off the smug look on the face of his target.

"Tsk... Three!" Kroth finally continued the count after clicking his tongue in annoyance in response to the words of his brother.

"Xiu... Xiu... Xiu..."

The bolts of iron tore through the air as their whistling sounds announced the presence of death that was fast approaching. Most of the Ereians were already familiar with the whistling sounds that they once again heard.


"Take shelter!"

Shouts of panic began to reverberate as many of the Ereians started to run away while most of them just simply dove down to the ground and began uttering their prayers that the bolts of iron weren\'t aimed for them.. They didn\'t know where it was coming from but they knew what the sound that they heard meant, it was the fast-approaching death of someone who was aimed at by the wielder of that weapon.

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