
Chapter 187 - 187

Baron Husani was about to thrust his hips forward when a loud tearing sound caught his attention. He turned around in all his glory to see who dared to disturb him and what he saw gave him a scare. Khao\'khen and his Rhakaddon tore apart the tent of the Baron as they went inside it.

Using the now mangled body of the unlucky soldier, Khao\'khen used its messed up body to bash the center post of the tent, which made the tent to collapse down on them. He flung away the head of the long dead soldier on his arms toward the Baron. The face of the poor soldier with bits of it missing struck the face of Baron Husani as blood and some white, gooey stuff got splattered on his face. The missing eyes of the soldier made Baron Husani shiver as his stomach rebelled and the last food that he had taken in forced their way up to his throat.

Baron Husani was about to throw up when he caught sight of Khao\'khen\'s spear heading for him, which made him reel back and caused him to stumble backwards. He was fully naked as he fell on his back and his mighty dragon, in all its glory, was out in full display. Khao\'khen caught sight of the little girl on the bed and the sobbing woman beside her before the tent fully fell upon their heads.

Using his blades on his back, Khao\'khen tore apart the tent that was now covering all of them and got out. He could still make out the figure of the Baron, who was flailing around in front of him while being covered by the tent. He was about to charge at him when a few soldiers run up towards him and thrusted their spears at him. Rolling out of the way, Khao\'khen hanged by the side of his steed and threw one of his blades at the Baron. His weapon went in a semi-arc, but it lacked enough power and just landed in front of the Baron. But a howl of pain from him was a confirmation to Khao\'khen that he still somehow managed to hit a part of the Baron\'s body.

"Chief, it\'s time to go!" Dug\'mhar shouted towards Khao\'khen as he passed by him atop his steed and helping him get out of the encirclement of the Ereians. Khao\'khen jumped on the back of his steed and kicked its sides. He and Dug\'mhar atop their steeds charged out of the encirclement and followed after their comrades, who already went ahead of them and breaking apart those that stood in their way.

Khao\'khen and the Rhakaddon Cavalry with him made their way out of the Ereian camp after causing more trouble in their second attack. They came, they caused trouble and damage, then went away in less than a quarter of an hour. The only thing they left behind were their path of destruction and the corpses of those that they killed.


The Ereians pursued the orcs, but they were only rewarded with iron bolts, which caused them to give up on the chase. A few hundred of them were slain while chasing after their enemies without them even being able to get near the ones that they were pursuing. The Ereians turned around and retreated from their chase.

Khao\'khen looked behind him and saw that the ones chasing after them gave up and started to retreat. "Dug\'mhar! Let\'s go! With me!" he shouted as he pulled on the reins of his steed and turned it around, then charged towards the retreating Ereians.

"Rumbling Clan! Let\'s rumble!" Dug\'mhar shouted, and rallied his clansmen and turned his steed around and followed after their chieftain. The Rumbling Clan followed their chiefs and prepared their weapons.

"Turn around!"


"Turn around!"

"Our enemies are back!"

"Form up!"

Flustered shouts echoed as the Ereians hastily formed back their battle-line. They stood shoulder to shoulder with their weapons pointing forward and their shields in front of them.

"Don\'t break! Remain still!"

The captain of the Ereian Royal Army barked as they joined their comrades and positioned themselves at their rear. They were really late to respond to attack of their enemies because of the many equipped that they had to wear before getting ready for battle.

Khao\'khen brought forward his crescent-moon spear while Dug\'mhar and his clansmen took aim and shot their first volley of iron bolts. The Ereians who were at the forefront took the brunt of the attack as the iron bolts pierced them through and rendered their shields useless against the attack of their foes.

Hundreds fell with just the first wave of iron bolts, which were followed by a third, then a fourth, then a fifth. The lines of the Ereians were riddled with holes as they can\'t patch up their line quicker than their enemies shooting at them and killing their comrades, which were slowly being destroyed by the storm of iron bolts.

Khao\'khen caught sight of the reinforcements of their foes. Their battle-line was slowly starting to thicken. He raised his hand to halt their advance since if they would continue on their charge, they would be trapped inside the lines of their enemies, as it was thick enough to endure their attack.

"Turn around! Retreat!" Khao\'khen ordered as he tugged the reins of his steed and turned it around as fast as he could. Dug\'mhar and his clansmen fired their last volley before retreating.

A cloud of dust was all that remained of the orcs as they went away without bothering to give their enemies a proper battle. The Ereians who were at the forefront and were lucky enough to be not hit by the storm of iron bolts heaved a collective sigh of relief as they watched the backs of their enemies, which were getting further and further away.

The Ereians remained in their formation until they can no longer see even a vague figure of their enemies. They fear that they would come back again if they break their lines.

The captain of the Ereian Royal Army shook his head and looked at his men, who were with him. "Let\'s go!" he shouted, and they started to retreat back into their camp.

The camp of the Ereians was in a mess after the two attacks of the warriors of Yohan. Tents were on fire, their supplies scattered all over the place, their beast of burdens running around in panic and the soldiers totally exhausted. The camp was engulfed by a heavy atmosphere as the Ereians started to fix it up.. They put out the fires, collected and calmed down their panicking beast of burdens and put down those that won\'t calm down, and they collected their scattered supplies that were still useable.

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