
Chapter 104 - 104

Xiao Chen observed closely the Rhakaddon Cavalry that was charging forward in a solid line with each Rhakaddon only a few inches apart from each other. They started at a thousand meters away from their targets, which was a group of wooden figures that resembles a person. A thousand meters away until five hundred meters, the Rhakaddon Cavalry started to pick up speed in a horse trot like pace when they were between five hundred meters and a hundred and twenty meters. Within a hundred twenty meters, they broke out in full sprint and the thundering sound of their hooves could be heard even from far away.

The trembling of the ground became intense as some of the wooden figures fell down. A loud crash and the Rhakaddon Cavalry tore through the wooden figures, sending them flying away and trampling over them. Xiao Chen nodded his head in satisfaction after Dug\'mhar managed to follow his commands after a hundred of failed attempts and many many punishments.

"Now tell them to switch to Delayed Wave Formation, Right Flank." Xiao Chen glanced towards Xor\'tharr as he gave out the commands. "Yes, chief." Xor\'tharr acknowledged his command and told his men to play the tune of the command. The sound of the war drums echoed, accompanied by the blasts of the battle horns at different intervals. They have longer and bigger battle horns that release a deep and loud blast, the normal ones and the small ones which give out a high-pitched but short blast.

After hearing the command being relayed by the battle band, Dug\'mhar looked towards his men, "Delayed Wave Formation! Right Flank!" he shouted. The Rhakaddon Cavalry changed their formation, shifting their straight line formation into a diagonal one. Their right flank was more to the front than the rest, as the more that you move to their left flank, the more the distance between the head which is in the right flank and the tail which is at the left flank.

The Rhakaddon Cavalry maintained their diagonal line formation as they moved towards their next target, which was another set of wooden figures. In the same fashion, they first approached at a slow pace before breaking out in a full sprint towards their target. Their right flank first impacted the targets and followed by the rest at different intervals until the tail at the left flank landed their charge.

This formation of theirs was best used to deliver a psychological attack unto their enemies, as the assaults in different intervals might unnerve their targets and result in them breaking away from battle.

Imagine yourself being at the center of the battle-line and the Rhakaddon Cavalry formed their ranks in such a fashion. The left flank of your battle-line gets hammered by the head of the attacking cavalry and came next the assaults in different intervals, moving towards you. Staring in front, you would spot the ones headed for you as the ones to your immediate left get hammered first. The psychological impact of knowing that you would be the next target is unnerving. And that is what Xiao Chen was after in using this formation.

"Tell them to disengage!" Xiao Chen ordered again as the battle band relayed his orders. Dug\'mhar perked up his ears and, after the confirming the order being relayed, "Disengage! Disengage!" he shouted as he guided his Rhakaddon to turn around quickly, which was followed by his troops.

"Not fast enough..." Xiao Chen muttered as he observed the movements of the Rhakaddon Cavalry which weren\'t disciplined in their retreat. After seeing that they were a half kilometer away from the targets that they disengage from, Xiao Chen looked towards the battle band again, "Re-engage! Delayed Wave Formation, Left Flank." he softly shouted as he glued his eyes unto the movements of Dug\'mhar and his clansmen.

Dug\'mhar looked towards where Xiao Chen and battle band were at after hearing the command. His forehead was already covered in sweat after being under the sun for too long already. "Rally to me! Delayed Wave Formation, Left Flank!" he bellowed as he raised his weapon up in the air. The Rhakaddon Cavalry assembled first in their line formation before shifting to the formation that was desired by their commander as they slowly move towards their target once again.

Just like their previous assault, they charge forward in a diagonal line, but this time it was their left flank that was the head and the right flank as the tail. They trampled down their targets before moving away, as that was what their chieftain wanted them to. They were told to make use of their powerful steeds in charging attacks more, as that was more lethal than them engaging in melee combat.

"Now time for you to show your capabilities as the commander of your troops." Xiao Chen muttered as Dug\'mhar and his troops headed for their last target and they can finally rest. The battle band gave the command to attack with no specific command on how to attack.

Dug\'mhar stared at the formation of their last target, to find out if they had a weakness that he could exploit. This is where he failed the most in the drills and suffered because of it. He always managed to give out commands for the most unsuited formation for attack. His eyes focused on the battle-line of their targets as he slowed down the pace of their movement to allow him more time to find out the suitable point of attack.

After a few moments, he finally saw it. There was a gap at the rear of their enemy as they formed in a battle-line which looks like they were engaging in two sides. "To me! Let\'s go!" he shouted as he led his men to circle around the rear of their targets.

The Rhakaddon Cavalry rode with the wind as a dust cloud was created on their trail. They sprinted forward with haste as Dug\'mhar wanted this to end as quickly as possible. Swinging around the battle-line of their targets, they were finally in their rear.

"Wedge Formation, I am the tip!" Dug\'mhar waved his weapon in the air and ushered his steed to move forward first. His troops fell behind him as they slowly formed a triangle with their clan chieftain as the tip pointed towards their targets.

"He finally learned." Xiao Chen muttered as moved his gaze away from the Rhakaddon Cavalry and towards the Rakshas who have been running around for quite some time now. He made them go through a more intense physical training, which was needed for their role. Just like Dug\'mhar and his troops, the Rakshas suffered more and more punishments, as they can\'t find a way to settle their grievances with each other. The more that they suffer, the more that they get divided, to which Xiao Chen really enjoyed the most as he could push them more and more to their limits.

He had been enjoying torturing them and strengthening them and tougher than ever before till their limits. The more that they won\'t be united, the more that they will suffer under his hands. They are the Rakshas, the backbone of the Yohan First Horde and they must be the best among the warriors of the horde.

"Enough of this! The more that we blame each other, the more divided we are. The more that we hold grudges against each other, the more that we can\'t work together. We all need to work together!" Maghazz shouted towards his peers as he had enough and can\'t just keep quiet about the situation anymore. He had been waiting for others to step up and take the initiative to lead, but not one step up for the challenge.

The Raksha Aspirants all stared at each other and they finally realized what was going on. As the time passed by and the more that they blame one another, the more that their chieftain punished them. Being divided was something that they should avoid, as they are brothers in arms with each other and will rely on each other on the battlefield.

Xiao Chen observed the Raksha Aspirants who were having a meeting while running around and doing their punishment. His eyes were glued to Maghazz, who finally took the initiative to unite them all. "He is right! We need to work together to overcome all of this!" another orc from the Rumbling Clan step forward and stood beside Maghazz as they rallied their peers together.

The Raksha Aspirants finally realized what was missing and all their gazes were directed towards Xiao Chen, who was looking at them. "What!? Not enough!? Ten more rounds!?" their demon of a trainer shouted at them. They didn\'t grumble in annoyance anymore, but instead they looked at each other and smiles were on their lips as they did the ten more rounds that were added to their punishment.

"Go! Go! Keep moving! Move your legs! It will be over soon! Help each other!" Maghazz moved to the front of the formation and lifted the morales of his peers, who were now smiling despite nearing their limits.. The Raksha Aspirants all worked together and supported their peers as they run and some even carried the others who already have been exhausted to the point of unconsciousness.

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