
Chapter 120 - Treasure Hunt-1 (not Edited Yet.)

Aren opened his eyes hearing Tyrance\'s voice, but he felt dizzy right as he opened his eyes.

The scenery changed in front of him as he arrived near a riverbank of a raging flowing river.

Tyrance also arrived beside him.

Aren tried to activate his powers, but it didn\'t work. He couldn\'t even take anything out of his inventory.

He checked his status window, but it was in a red frame, and instead, a new status window had appeared.


-Hunt Level: 1 [0/100] exp

-Body Health: [10,000/10,000] (BH)

-Soul Health: [~]

-Spirit Energy: [10,000/10,000] (SE)

-Strength: 200

-Constitution: 200

-Agility: 200

-Soul: ~


--> Sprint: Cost= 100 SE || Increase movement speed by 20% for 5 min.

--> Meditation: Sit in meditation to recover BH and SE by 100 per ten seconds.

Suddenly, Aren and Tyrance heard a deep, cracky voice and saw notification and rules.

[The Grand Treasure Hunt Starts now!]

[Rule 1: Your skill options will be determined by your first big action and thoughts. This will also apply every time after you level up your hunt level.]

[Rule 2: Only supportive buff skills will work on your teammate. Your damage dealing skills won\'t hurt your teammate even if it hits.]

[Rule 3: After your BH turns to 0, you won\'t die. But will be disqualified from the Treasure Hunt.]

[Rule 4: Collect Treasure points by submitting treasures. You must touch the treasure with your palm to submit it. You can use treasure points to buy things from Treasure shop after you are disqualified or after the Hunt ends.]

[Rule 5: Every 10 minutes, large beams will produce from the ground for three seconds, indicating the locations of the treasure.]

[Rule 6: You can level up your Hunt Level by killing beasts and defeating other hunters.]

[Rule 7: Enjoy the Treasure hunt, it will last for five days, and the grand rewards will be announced once it\'s over.]

"Aren, our first action will determine our skill options...hmmm, but what kind of action?" Tyrance spoke with a thoughtful expression.

Both of them also didn\'t move and stayed in one place because moving was also considered an action.

"Big action," Aren said as he looked in the surrounding, "we have four different places in our surroundings. A raging river, a forest, a mountainous path, and...those dark clouds in the sky to our left side."


Suddenly, they heard a howl from the forest.


Aren and Tyrance spoke at the same time.

"Killing a beast is considered a big action. Maybe our first skill options will be based on the beast we hunt?" Aren asked.

"True," Tyrance nodded, "let\'s go and hunt the wolf."

"Wait," Aren stopped Tyrance.


"Do you know how powerful the beasts would be inside the forest? Also, wolves are usually in their packs, and we don\'t have any offensive skills. is rather dangerous to go into that thick forest without preparation," Aren said as he adopted a thoughtful expression.

"Hmmm, you are right," Tyrance nodded, "Then what do we do?"

"Killing wolves might give us skill options, but they will be related to wolves: either sound-type or physical melee-type. However, I am not used to fighting melee as much as you so...," Aren paused before his gaze turned to the raging river.

"So I will acquire my skill options first to increase our battle power before going into the forest," Aren said before moving towards the river and jumping into it while thinking, \'jumping into this river with strong thought might also give me skill options.\'


Although the river was raging, Aren stood his stance. After all, he had 200 points all body stats while soul had 100 points.

After a second, Aren heard a voice and saw three skills options in his head.

"Got it!"

Tyrance was surprised before he grinned, "great."

Aren looked at the three skill options and fell into thought.

[Select one skill out of three]

--><Water Flowing Fist>

--><Aqua Serpents>

--><Hyrdo Beam>

<Water Flowing Fist>

-Cost: 1000 spirit energy.

-Duration: 1 minute.

-Effect: Cover your fists with strong water power gloves that can deal powerful water damage to the opponent. You can release a water bomb by combing your palms together but doing this will end the skill\'s duration.

-Note: attacking your targets with Water Flowing Fist will shred their physical defense by 100 and water resistance by 150. It can stack up to five times.

"Not bad, but..let\'s see the next one," Aren murmured as he looked at the second skill.

<Aqua Serpents>

-Cost: 1000 spirit energy.

-Effect: Conjures three 2 meters long aqua serpents. You can use them to attack opponents and deal sharp water damage by releasing condensed water spit from them or deal powerful blunt damage by exploding them after wrapping around the target.

-Attack: Spit [1500 water damage], explosion [4000 water damage].

-Note: the effective control range is five meters. Each serpent can release two water spits at most before dissolving itself. Water spits decrease the target\'s physical defense by 200 and water resistance by 300.

Aren decided to choose this one, but he still looked at the third skill before choosing that.

<Hydro Beam>

-Cost: 1500 spirit energy.

-Effect: Releases a hydro beam from your mouth after one and a half-second of preparation to deal 10,000 water damage.

-Note: The beam has powerful penetrative, ignore 1000 physical and energy defense of the target.

"Hydro Beam is pretty good. However...," Aren muttered before he still decided to choose <Aqua Serpents> and got out of the raging river.

"Let\'s go," Aren said to Tyrance.

"What kind of skill did you choose?" Tyrance asked with curiosity.

Aren told him the details of his skills as it was crucial for working together.


As they neared the forest, they heard multiple howls.

Once they went inside the thick forest, they instantly found their targets.

Four wolves.

"I will trap three wolves with my serpents while you finish off one wolf. You can do that, right?" Aren said.

"I can. I have learned martial arts as well," Tyrance nodded as he dashed forward while activating sprint.

On the other hand, Aren conjured three 2 meters long aqua serpents and used manipulated them to move towards the wolves.

He was good at manipulating things due to his path, which was one reason he selected this skill.

The four wolves dashed towards Tyrance, but Aren used three serpents to snare three wolve\'s legs and also exploded the serpents to deal damage to them.




The wolves cried in pain and anger as their back legs were severely injured, which impaired their movement.

[High Forest Wolf]

-Body Health: [7,700/10,000]

-Attack: Physical [4000]

-Defense: Physical [1700] Energy [1700].


--> Wolf claw: deals 200% of the attack to target.

--> Berserk: attack and movement speed increases by 50% once their health falls below 30%.

"Tyrance! Once the wolf\'s health falls below 30%, its movement speed and attack will increase by 50%, so be careful!"

"Got it!"

Tyrance shouted as he fought with the wolf by punching and kicking it while nimbly dodging its claw attacks.

On the other hand, Aren conjured three more serpents by expending 1000 spirit energy again.

He manipulated the three serpents, and this time, he attacked their front legs to cripple their movement completely.

Afterward, he dashed towards the three wolves and beat them to death.

[ A High Forest Wolf killed. 500 hunt exp gained.] x3

[Your hunt level reached 2. Your next big action will determine your skill options.]

Tyrance was also finished beating the wolf to death. He was attacking its neck the whole time and finished it off in one move at the end before it got berserk.

"I go skill options!" Tyrance spoke with a grin and then looked at Aren only to become speechless, "you beat them? and...leveled up?"

"Well, yeah," Aren nodded with a grin, "I had the help of my skill."

Tyrance nodded before he turned to look at the skill options window that only he could see, and after a minute of thinking, he chose a skill, <Bleeding Chops>

Tyrance made chopping motions and moved his hands like he was slashing swords.

"Haha, I got a skill suitable to me," Tyrance guffawed happily before turning to Aren, "let\'s go and continue moving in the forest."

"No," Aren shook his head before smiling, "let\'s head back and move towards the mountainous path."


"Just come, I got an idea," Aren said with a grin, "however, I am not sure if we will succeed or not, but it is worth trying."

Tyrance looked at Aren for two moments before nodding his head, "tell me about your idea first."

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