
Chapter 373 372: Beast Human Human?

So far, he had only used the beast Human body cultivation method to take various beasts and demons. Yet now he needed to use it on a human, so he couldn\'t help but feel excited. Would he succeed, or would he find the limit of this body cultivation method?

"Humans are simply a type of beast, aren\'t we? After having the Beast Human body cultivation method for so long and breaking through its limits, it has an 80 percent chance of being the solution to Gilan\'s problem." Yoze\'s eyes sparkled as he looked up at Gilan, who was still redder than a boiled lobster with expectation.

"Yoze, I trust you!" Gilan answered quickly.

As someone who could feel her organs and brain being cooked, her blood boiled, and her skin baked, Gilan could hardly think. Yet when she heard Yoze\'s calm and smooth voice, her chaotic mind calmed down slightly. 

With this bit of clarity, she looked down at Yoze, who was holding her up, and had the delusion that she was a dying white star that was releasing its last but bright rays of light before being consumed by the endless darkness of space. As the only person who could save her from being turned into food, Yoze\'s black eyes seemed to slowly erase the darkness as a shimmering of colorful faint sparkles appeared in his eyes before disappearing without a trace.

"Thank you for your support! As thanks, I will increase your pay to 40 silver." Yoze breathed a slight sigh of relief, seeing that Gilan\'s brain hadn\'t been completely fried yet.

Now that he had gotten Gilan\'s permission to proceed, he lowered his hands before lightly tossing Gilan in the air. With his light toss, he carefully turned his big hands in a way that caused her body to spin.

Though Yoze described his throw as light, Gilan would have suggested otherwise as she flew so high that she nearly slammed into the ceiling while her body was rapidly spinning. Without her mind being unprecedentedly clear and stable, she would have vomited her past three lunches.

Suddenly, Yoze took a deep breath and allowed his mind to rapidly accelerate as he performed the Quick Mind Slow World technique. Causing the world around him to slow down, allowing him to easily see Gilan\'s rapidly spinning body.

"In my arsenal of body cultivation methods, the only one that doesn\'t require the user to learn it themselves is the Beast Human body cultivation method and its more advanced version the Bloody Beast Clone."

"However, I still need Gilan to reach level three of the Beast Human body cultivation method before I can even attempt to use the Bloody Beast Clone body cultivation method. Getting her to reach such a high level would take some time, and more importantly, our relationship would have to be strong."

"That isn\'t much of a problem since reaching the first level of the Beast Human body cultivation method should be more than enough." Yoze\'s eyes flashed as he reached out both hands and rapidly poked various areas around Gilan\'s.

With each poke, her red skin would slightly lighten up, showing that some of the excessive energy in her body was being used up to further condition her body. Seeing that it was working, Yoze breathed out a sigh of relief and continued to poke her, expecting that by the time she fell back to the ground, she would have broken through to the first level, becoming a third-rate martial artist without much trouble.

Finally, after ten minutes of spinning in the air, Yoze gently grabbed Gilan\'s waist with both of his hands and looked at her with a strange gaze. Her skin, which was previously redder than a lobster, was now three shades lighter, and her mind, which was on the brink of collapse, was now stable.

"Sir Yoze, your pokes kind of hurt but it also felt quite good. What was that?" Gilan asked softly as she felt embarrassed that while Yoze was trying to save her, she was enjoying the process.

"Cough, that was a body cultivation method called the Beast Human body cultivation method and is usually what I use to tame beasts. Unfortunately, this was the only method I had to save you since I didn\'t know how talented you were in martial arts." Yoze lightly coughed as he saw Gilan blushing, though her skin was still red.

"Forget about the strange name of this method. Let\'s focus on what you have gained through this process. First, your body is much stronger and has more stamina than most people by at least three times."

"You might think that this isn\'t a lot, but in reality, once you start to practice martial arts techniques, you will see how much more powerful you are," Yoze explained as he put Gilan back on the ground.

"But I am still burning up. Can you continue?" Gilan worriedly asked as she still felt her blood pill was releasing a lot of heat throughout her body.

"Unfortunately not, our connection has already reached its limit before we even hit the Beast Pet...cough... Acquaintance Stage. This is required to reach the first level of the Beast Human body cultivation method."

"In other words, unless we somehow improve our relationship further, then we can not progress in this body cultivation method. But this has given us enough time to teach you another body cultivation method to use the remaining excess energy." Yoze explained as he looked at the sparkling eyes of Gilan.

"Oh, okay. What are the other stages of our relationship, do we have to get married?" Gilan asked with sparkling eyes.

"Umm, the stages for the Beast Human method are the Acquaintance stage, Friend Stage, and lastly is the Battle Friend stage. So unless you want to join me on the battlefield and fight together until we die, I don\'t think we will ever reach the final stage." Yoze explained as he quickly changed the names of the Beast Human method.

He couldn\'t possibly tell Gilan that they didn\'t even reach the Beast Pet stage so they could forget about trying to get to the Beast Friend Stage and the Battle Beast stage. So he hastily changed their names to be more suitable to what the equivalent human relationship stage would be.

"Never mind then, I\'m just a maid, so how could I join you in battle," Gilan said with a pout as she crossed her hands.

Seeing that she was feeling better and had enough energy to pout, Yoze smiled and taught her the Boneless Man body cultivation method. Unfortunately, he had to stop halfway as he could see she didn\'t have much talent in learning Boneless Man, so he could only switch to another body cultivation method.

Funnily enough, Gilan seemed to be extremely gifted at the Big Golem cultivation method. When he taught Gilan the Big Golem method, she rapidly learned the basics and showed signs that she had a lot of talent in this body cultivation method but no other.

"A fellow lover of muscles has been born. Maybe my mistake isn\'t too bad." Yoze laughed as he sat on the ground, watching Evi, Gilan, and Suzanne focus on training their bodies for the remaining fifty minutes.

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