
Chapter 147 147: Level 3 Twin Fists

"Come on, how are we supposed to believe that you are a scholar?" The guard beside Jack continued to express his disbelief.

Jack looked at Yoze and saw that he wasn\'t angry or annoyed at being doubted. There was nothing but a smile on his face as if he didn\'t care about this trouble.

"I also train in martial arts which is why my body is so big. But here is my information to prove I\'m a scholar." Yoze said, taking out an updated version of the slip of paper he used to prove he was a scholar at the city hall when he first arrived.

Jack grabbed the piece of paper to confirm the seals were authentic. As he read the paper his eyes were attracted by two pieces of information. 

The first was the line \'Practices the Big Golem body cultivation method increasing height and weight.\' This line helped somewhat explain why Yoze\'s height could have been higher than normal.

For Jack, he felt that Yoze was too big to explain with just a mere body cultivation method. But there was no better explanation for how he could be so big, humans aren\'t supposed to be this large.

The second line was more interesting as it was about him practicing a martial art technique known as Twin Fists. As one of the most ordinary and basic fist techniques, Twin Fists was learned by many martial artists when they first started martial arts. 

This included Jack himself, but just like many other martial artists who learned the technique once they obtained the opportunity to learn a more advanced martial art technique they would abandon it.

For a man like Yoze to spend time mastering Twin Fists was rare. But it was exactly how rare mastering Twin Fists was that it was a great marker for confirming someone\'s identity.

"It says here that you have mastered Twin Fists, as long as you show us then we will let you in." 

Seeing that all he needed to do was perform a peak level 3 Twin Fists, Yoze felt relieved by how easy it was. Yoze nodded his head in confirmation and stepped out of the line.

After feeling that he was a good distance away from the people and allowing the guards a good view, Yoze got started on creating a chain of attacks. One after another he threw out Koi Fists at an invisible opponent and imagined he locked him in a combo.

"Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh,"

Even though Yoze was holding himself back, due to how fast a peak level 3 Twin Fists combo chain was it resulted in gusts of strong wind being created. As he got to the end of his Koi Fist combo, his attacks were so quick that his final attack destroyed the sound barrier.


Luckily due to Yoze taking extra precautions none of the people were hurt and other than their ears ringing from the sonic boom they were in good condition. After completing his presentation, Yoze returned to the front of the line and waited for Jack\'s decision.

"Well, that was certainly a combo that only a person that reached the peak of Twin Fists could do. So congratulations you are allowed in the City but I recommend getting your height updated on this paper so you don\'t have to do this every time." Jack handed back the slip of paper to Yoze and kindly gave him a suggestion.

"Thank you, I\'ll make sure to do that when I\'m passing by next time." 

After giving one final nod and wave to all the people that let him cut the long line, Yoze stepped into the City and walked home. When he arrived at Ten Ton Inn, he couldn\'t help but appreciate this inn even more than he previously did.

Not only was this the only place that could house someone who weighed as much as an Elephant but almost as tall as one. It allowed him to not have to worry about finding a new place every time he improved his Big Golem body cultivation.

Unfortunately, the concern about his weight and height was resurfacing as he was getting too big. Even though he personally didn\'t mind the trouble it caused he didn\'t want to burden his father.

So he needed to figure out a way to make himself weigh less. The number one reason why he felt that this was the situation was because of Big Golem\'s inner vigor.

Previously the majority of his weight only came from the inner vigor that was permanently activated in his flesh and bones. However after trying to break through to the next level of Big Golem, he found that all his heavy inner vigor was being activated.

He couldn\'t even deactivate his inner vigor to drop his weight resulting in him now weighing around 7 thousand pounds. Still a way to go before he reached Ten Ton Inn\'s weight limit but it wasn\'t too far either.

"I need to break through to level 7 tonight so I can deactivate my inner vigor," Yoze said muttering to himself as he passed by the room he had invited Zeak and Drax to meet with him.

Glancing at the empty room, he shook his head in disappointment. He had hoped that after messing with Zeak\'s mind he would get his own secret informant. 

Unfortunately, the result was that after he left with his brother they never came back. He predicted that Zeak fixed his mind with his brother\'s assistance.

Assuming that his experiment had failed, Yoze put the matter of Zeak and Drax in the back of his mind. After putting that matter behind him, he went inside his room to find that Jewel was sitting on a chair facing the door with wine in hand.

"Your back. Your father was worried sick after realizing that you were gone because you didn\'t come for breakfast." Jewel looked at Yoze with dissatisfaction when she realized he had come back.

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