
Chapter 131 131: Starting Training

"It seems that the group was using these people as puppets."

"It should be possible to achieve with a certain immortal cultivation manual or witchcraft but that doesn\'t help us narrow it down at all." Tiki frowned. She wasn\'t happy that the leisure lifestyle she was getting used to was getting interrupted.

She also had no clue who would want to capture them or the reason why. Other than rogue immortal cultivators trying to cut down the competition there didn\'t seem to be much reason.

"It doesn\'t seem like their main goal is us. Must have something to do with Yoze since they seemed to be interested in him more than they are interested in us." Dreyer added in his thoughts and felt that something was off.

"That makes sense, they could have attacked us directly instead of asking Yoze to bring us in. But they didn\'t and specifically stated for him to bring us at midnight."

"We might be able to catch them if we pretend to follow their order. They must have some way to spy on us." Thinking about it more, Tiki said as her eyes darted to the walls and windows of Yoze\'s room.

"After killing and capturing three of their men and forcing two to commit suicide there is a low chance for our enemy to fall for such a simple trick. There is also the problem that they never told me where to meet up with them in case I followed their \'advice\'."

"That\'s another reason why capturing you two isn\'t their main goal. It must be just a means to an end. If they capture you two that\'s great for them but if not it doesn\'t harm the process of their real plan." 

"As for the idea that they were after me, it\'s possible. But it doesn\'t explain why they would send such weak puppets if I was their goal."

"I plan on drawing their faces and asking an investigator for help with discovering these three men\'s past. What do you think?" Yoze told them his thoughts on finding an investigator.

"Sounds good," Tiki and Dreyer nodded their heads in approval.

Thinking that Yoze planned on hiring a professional drawer or painter to collect an accurate image of their faces before sending it to an investigator. What they didn\'t expect was that he had a slightly different plan as he didn\'t trust anyone else finding out about these men.

So he planned to draw their appearance on his own since he had some talent in painting and color mixing, each respectively grade 5 and 9. He might not be any good at the moment but as long as he spent some time and collected more talent related to art then he should be able to get a good drawing.

There was also another benefit that once he increased his skill in painting and drawing he would have the skills whenever he needed them again. It also prevents unnecessary information from leaking. 

Since they didn\'t know how their enemy was spying on them it was better to take the initiative to hide some information to see if their enemy could know about it. If he got ambushed during his attempt to take the pictures to investigators then not only did it mean that their enemy was actively spying on them. 

But they could not stay in the Ten Ton Inn any longer since it was completely comprised. However, at the moment Yoze didn\'t think that their enemy had completely compromised the inn and got all their information about them since they didn\'t mention handing over Leah or their demon meat.

One of them was an animal that can talk to humans and even the ability to create fantastic medicine. The other is meat from legendary demons and has the potential to increase a person\'s lifespan and even physical abilities.

These two were incredibly valuable and should have been on the top of the list to steal. If it was up to him, Yoze would have kidnapped Tiki and Dreyer and used them as hostages to get the demon meat and Leah.

If he was interested in killing them when he got the demon meat and Leah he would just kill Tiki and Dreyer before finishing the job by killing the rest of the family. It was a more easy and convenient way to get what his enemy said they wanted.

"Since we are dealing with possible immortal cultivators I\'ll contact my sources to see what the current situation is in the immortal world," Dreyer added.

"Be safe when you contact them, take Tiki or Leah with you when you meet with your contacts," Yoze advised Dreyer hoping that he would consider it.

Dreyer nodded his head in agreement but didn\'t say anything further.

"Since we have a plan, we will get started on training you in martial arts. You have ten minutes to get changed into attire that you feel comfortable with doing martial arts in and to meet me in my room." Yoze plainly said before heading to his room.

Nine minutes soon passed before he saw his door open and both Tiki and Dreyer walked in with their clothes changed. They both had changed into simple black T-shirts and shorts. 

Tiki had also tied her hair up into a bun to prevent her hair from getting into her eyes during the training. While Dreyer used a hair clip to keep the front part of his hair in place for the same reason.

"Ready?" Yoze stood up and asked one more time.

"Ready as we can ever be," Tiki and Dreyer took a deep breath and looked at Yoze with determination.

"Good, right now your bodies are just too weak to start any martial arts that you might feel are useful. So we are going to start your martial art training by strengthening your body with body cultivation."

"Since this is the first day of your training I will only be training you on the Boneless Man body cultivation method. After this, you two can decide what martial art body cultivation out of my collection that you find useful." 

"Got that?" Yoze asked if they understood his reasoning.

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