
Chapter 163 - GOF (XXVI) & Third Task (II)

[POV Reo(Edgar)]

After having breakfast with Luna, Fleur, and Rumi, I decided to deal with the finer details. I have a lot to do... Momo decided to accompany me... ​​

"Have you researched the ritual I have asked you to?" I asked Momo while walking back towards our room.

"Yep... I have researched the ritual completely... theoretically at least. There are three major ingredients like the name of the ritual mentions" Momo continued speaking. I gestured for her to stop for now.

We finally reached the Ravenclaw dorms. Momo was greeted by some students... after a few minutes of pleasantries, we finally reached our room... I didn\'t need to cast privacy wards because my room was completely warded. I asked Momo to continue...

"As the name says... the ritual is based on the bone of the father... it will make the bones of the new body, flesh to the servant... that will give the flesh, and finally blood of the enemy, this will give blood to the body... completing this ritual will get you a magical construct... it won\'t be a natural human body but a magical construct" Momo said while pulling out some notes from her robes.

"Now... if we mess with these three ingredients then the ritual will take place but the magical construct would collapse before it becomes stable... you said that you want Voldie to summon his minions so that you can kill all of them, right?" Momo asked me to which I nodded my head.

"Then don\'t mess with the ingredients... if you do then there is a very high chance that Voldie might come out as a squib or disabled or he won\'t gain a body at all" Momo said while pacing around the room. This is bad... I had thought that messing with an ingredient would get my job done... looks like I have to take on Voldie in his prime.

"Is there any other way?" I asked, it\'s not like I was scared of full-powered Voldie... rather I was worried that he might get a lucky shot.

"Fortunately... there is. As I said, you can\'t mess with the ingredients... but there is another important part of the ritual... the wording. You can mess with the wording. Like bone of the father unknowingly given... you can\'t mess with this one... after all, he is getting the bone from his long-dead father. The flesh of a servant willingly given... now, this you can mess with... if the servant gives his flesh willingly..." Momo trailed off... I see, then I guess the blood of the enemy can also be messed with.

"Blood of the enemy forcefully taken... now if the blood is given willingly then it would act as a poison but remember the blood must be from an enemy" Momo said in a proud tone. I can ask Harry to give the blood willingly... or else there is Pettigrew... I can mess with his mind and get the job done.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Momo asked me seeing that I was in deep thoughts. Well, I could always order Pettigrew to mess up the wording. Momo said that messing with the wording is enough to mess up the ritual... but before Voldie could be finally dealt with, there was one more thing that was needed to be taken care of... the Horcruxes.

The Diadem of Ravenclaw, Harry\'s scar, and the diary was gone, so that leaves the Gaunt Ring which is also the Ressurection Stone... one of the three Deathly Hallows, I don\'t know if I would absorb this one too but I didn\'t want to... The Cup of Hegla Hufflepuff kept in Lestrange Vault, the locket of Salazar Slytherin, and the Fucking snake, this was the right time to destroy them... if I destroyed them before, Voldie could have noticed if he had checked anyone of them.

"Let\'s take care of the Horcruxes, send a Patronus to Sirius, ask him to meet us in Hogsmeade" I said to which Momo nodded her head and send a messenger Patronus to Sirius. Momo\'s Patronus was an owl... similar to her Animagus form.

I needed Sirius\'s help to get the locket and the Hufflepuff\'s cup... after all, Kreacher had the Locket while The Cup was in Lestrange Vault. Sirius was Lord Black, and Bellatrix was from the Black family, since the Lestrange family was extinct, Sirius could claim the Lestrange Vault. Both I and Momo quickly got ready and left the castle after claiming family business... Flitwick didn\'t say anything because we said that we would be back before the task.

After some time we met with Sirius in the Hogsmeade, just by looking at him it was clear that he was really worried about tonight.

"So what are we doing?" Sirius asked me nervously. He looked much more cowed after I started to train Harry, he was quite scared to see someone with so much power.

"We need to visit Black Family home, in London. There is something I need" I said, Sirius was immediately horrified and disgusted...

"Are you kidding me? You want to go to Grimmauld Place?" Sirius whined.

"I assure you that I am not kidding" I said, Sirius still needed confirmation and looked towards Momo who just shrugged and nodded her head. Sirius\'s shoulders finally slumped and huffed in annoyance.

"Fine... let\'s go. Don\'t complain later that I didn\'t try to stop you" Sirius said and extended his hand but I grabbed his shoulder and Momo grabbed my hand. I will be using my magic to pull Momo with me... I didn\'t know if Sirius had enough magic to side-along Apparate with two people... but I didn\'t want to take the risk.

With a loud crack, we arrived in front of a grim-looking house... manor? The Grimmauld Place was kind of in the middle ground of both. Sirius was about to open the door when with a pop an old-looking ancient house-elf appeared... Kreacher really looked miserable but I was kind of tight of time.

"What does the filthy blood-traitor want?" Kreacher nastily spoke. Sirius was about to blow a vein but he stopped when I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"You are Lord Black, order him to bring the locket Regulas gave him before he died" I said and Kreacher immediately looked horrified. Sirius didn\'t know what I was talking about but he did what I asked of him. He immediately ordered Kreacher formally as Lord Black, the house-elf looked really reluctant but he was bound to follow Lord Black\'s order. The elf popped away and after some time popped back carrying the Slytherin\'s locket.

I asked Momo to check if this was genuine or not, Momo just needed to cast a single spell which gave her confirmation. I immediately threw the locket on the ground and used my favorite spell... Feindfyre, the locket was engulfed in the fire and a loud shriek was heard... I willed the fire to go out and the locket didn\'t even leave behind any ash. Kreacher had tears in his eyes and thanked me profusely... Sirius was really confused but I explained it to him... in a brief manner.

"Where to next?" Sirius asked me. To which I didn\'t answer and I directly Apparated with him in front of Gringotts. Only after a second Momo also appeared by my side... I asked Sirius to claim the Lestrange Vault, he knew his rights as Lord Black and got the whole thing processed in just one hour.

In 10 more minutes, I had the Cup in my possession. I didn\'t want to use Feindfyre in Gringotts... it\'s not that I didn\'t have any confidence in controlling the spell but I was worried about the Goblin\'s reaction. With the Cup, we appeared inside a forest.

"Oh... I have heard about this place..." Sirius said with disgust in his voice.

"Oh, you know this place?" I asked Sirius in a curious tone, honestly, I didn\'t expect Sirius to recognize the place.

"Yes... this whole place was owned by Gaunts, a truly disgusting family" Sirius said while shuddering.

"They were extinct even before you were born... so how did you know this place?" I asked.

"Well, the Gaunts were used as an example among the Dark Families... we were taught what we shouldn\'t do using their example" Sirius spat out the words in disgust. Well, I guess even the pure-bloods were disgusted by these freaks. If any magical people could be called Freaks then Gaunts were the one...

We walked down the dirt road and finally arrived in front of a shack... it was barely standing, Its condition was very bad. It\'s still standing just because of magic. I asked Momo and Sirius to wait outside... while I entered the shack and immediately used Rupture and blew apart most of the shack... after getting the Law of Thunder my lighting or electric powers have risen up by leaps and bounds. The attack I just used... I didn\'t even put any effort into it. finding the Ring wasn\'t so hard as it was made of metal and there wasn\'t anything in this house made of metal.

A few traps sprang but they were nothing my Aegis Shield can\'t handle... as soon as I saw the ring I felt something slam against my mental shields. It must be the compulsion charm placed on the ring, I didn\'t put any more thought into it and used Fiendfyre to get rid of the ring. The same kind of shriek was heard. I willed the fire to go out... I quickly checked the place and only found that a black stone was left behind.

I grabbed the stone and walked out of the shack or what was remaining of it... I banished the cup towards the shack and used Feindfyre once again... both the Cup and shack were engulfed in the fire and only after a few moments nothing was left. We heard the loud shriek again... it gave us the confirmation that the Horcrux was destroyed.

We decided to return after that... there was nothing more left to do, except to deal with Voldie and his goons. After returning to Hogwarts, I received a message from Amelia telling me that she was able to get her hands on a few more time-turners... Sirius was excited that he would be able to participate as well...

The rest of the evening was boring... it was already night when Amelia finally arrived and handed us the time-turners, she has already handed time-turners to Nemuri and Dora. Dora\'s job was quite simple... hide beside Harry under a cloak and get him away when the battle starts. I might have trained Harry but that doesn\'t mean that he is going to become a super-wizard or something.

We finally arrived in the stands and Bagman started to blab all the non-sense. Rumi gave me a look to which I nodded, she must be asking about the plan. I watched her looking at everyone... the Third Task finally started, as soon as the cannon went off, Rumi dashed inside the maze...

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