
Chapter 153 - GOF (XVI) & Yule Ball...

[POV Reo(Edgar)]

With a huge grin on my face I stood in front of the mirror while Momo was helping me with my robes. Even though I was really annoyed that I had to wear a robe but I was still smiling because I was going to spend an awesome time with my girlfriends. ​​

Momo was already dressed but she didn\'t want me to see her before the Ball so she was wearing a coat over her dress.

"Now you look like a gentleman" Momo said in a self satisfied tone when she finally finished setting up my bow tie.

Even though I would have personally liked if I was wearing a suit instead of this but magical tradition only recognized robes. I could have said \'fuck it\' like usual and wore a suit... after all there isn\'t anything in the laws stopping me from wearing them. But the problem was that the magical population would have seen it as an insult to their tradition. We already have people who didn\'t like us with all the stunts we have pulled since Nemuri became Lady Ravenclaw.

I don\'t want to stir up the pot right now because of the upcoming elections. To win, Nemuri is going to need a lot of support and insulting the magical tradition right now won\'t be a good idea. It\'s better safe than sorry after all. The girls including Rumi liked when I wore dashing robes and strutted like a peacock so I decided to sacrifice myself for the \'greater *cough* good\'.

"Oh... is that so? So what do I usually look like?" I asked Momo in a teasing voice.

"A thug! Sometimes a villain! Sometimes a gangster" Momo said in a cheeky tone. It was clear that she was teasing me.

"Then, I guess, I should behave like a thug and villain and have my wicked ways with you" I leaned and whispered into Momo\'s ears. A pink tinge appeared on Momo\'s face.

"Ah...! What am I going to do? I am just an innocent girl!" Momo spoke acting like an innocent girl. She looked afraid but I could clearly see the excitement in her eyes. "Well, sounds convincing... maybe we can play roles after the Ball" Momo returned to her normal attitude. I have to agree that sounded pretty convincing.

"Maybe we can get the others to join too?" I asked in an hopeful tone. I knew that Momo would definitely agree because we were long past since we have started having threesome or foursome.

"Rumi wouldn\'t mind... let\'s invite Luna too... she has been waiting for her first time before the term even started" Momo said while checking her hair in the mirror. No! Luna is too innocent to play the role... but still there is a chance that she would agree as she had already seen the future.

"It\'s almost time... I am going to pick up Rumi" I said deciding to change the topic for now.

"Sure... I also need some finishing touches" Momo said and started to apply some makeup using her wand. Momo looked really beautiful even without makeup... but I don\'t have enough courage to stop a girl from using makeup. I also wanted to kiss her but I knew she would hex me because it would smudge her lipstick... well, I will smudge her lipstick as much as I want after the ball. With these dirty thoughts I left my room and left towards the Room of Requirement.

Rumi had made her fort in the ROR since the first task. She has left Momo in the dust when compared to both her raw magical power and practical application. Momo was more about research and discovery... she wasn\'t interested much in practical use like duels and fights. I finally arrived on the seventh floor and found that the door to the ROR was already there. I walked in front of the door and knocked... after a few seconds the door opened and I was completely stunned after I saw Rumi.

Rumi looked stunningly gorgeous in the dress. I knew Rumi didn\'t like to wear dresses but seeing how beautiful she looked in a dress... I was definitely going to make her wear dresses from time to time.

"Seems like you appreciate what you see?" Rumi asked with a grin on her face. I finally collected my thoughts back and decided to answer her.

"You look absolutely gorgeous" I said while taking her hand and I kissed the back of her hand.

"Thank you my fine gentleman, you don\'t look bad yourself" Rumi said and hugged crossed arms with me. Rumi walked out of the room and the door disappeared.

With that done, we started to make our way towards the Great Hall. We met several couples on the way there... the boys were blatantly staring at Rumi ignoring their dates. Even though I wanted to gouge out their eyes with a spoon for staring at Rumi like that but my heart also swelled with pride and arrogance... after all, Rumi was looking so beautiful that they ignored their own dates and stared at Rumi.

We finally arrived in front of the Great Hall and found Victor Krum and Fleur Delacour were already there with their dates. Like in the original story Victor\'s date was Hermione Granger... this year I haven\'t talked with the girl even once. She was kind of annoying... always spouting how barbaric magical culture was and what not. She might be right regarding some cases but this doesn\'t gives her the right to insult someone\'s tradition especially when you are an outsider. It\'s not like I didn\'t give her a chance... I tried but she didn\'t change.

Fleur\'s date was Roger Davies like it was in the story but unlike in the story she wasn\'t looking happy or excited. Roger\'s eyes were glazed and his jaw was hanging... he was blankly looking at Fleur. I could also see Hermione sending angry glares at the veela from time to time. Fleur\'s attitude was completely different from what I have seen in the movies or read in the book. It could be because of butterfly effect... I have changed a lot of things, even a tiniest thing could have a massive effect. It was similar to Luna... in the story Luna was never a seer or something similar. There wasn\'t a single incident where it pointed to that.

"Good evening, Monsieur Ravenclaw, Miss Ravenclaw" when Fleur saw both of us, a small smile appeared on her face and she greeted us.

"Good evening, Miss Delacour, how have you been?" I greeted her back and proceeded with the usual pleasantries.

Fleur may think that she is good at lying but she isn\'t. Even though she was lying with a smile... without even using Leglimency it was clear that she was lying. She wasn\'t haughty or spoiled princess... she kind of piqued my interest, I would definitely pay attention to her.

After sometime Andre along with a girl from Beauxbatons also arrived. Both of them looked arrogant to the bone but everyone present here already knew that he was all bark no bite. Even Victor looked at Andre with disdain, not that Andre noticed... he was too busy glaring at Fleur. I still haven\'t found out why Andre hates Fleur... he should be smitten with her since he is a boy. I wasn\'t brave enough to use Leglimency on Andre... I didn\'t want to be scarred for life after all.

Only after a few seconds, Cedric Diggory with his date Cho Chang arrived too... Cho Chang was one of the girls who tried to bully Luna in her first year. After getting thrown out of the Ravenclaw dorms she didn\'t try it anymore. We exchanged the usual pleasantries. After sometime Katina also joined us, she brought a boy from her school. Even though Katina looked arrogant, I would say she at least had a bigger bite than the fool Andre.

Harry was the last one to join us, his date was Susan Bones. We exchanged greetings and I asked Harry how he met with Susan, well Amelia brought Susan with her when she came to visit Sirius... they kind of became friends. We didn\'t get a chance to chat more... as Slughorn arrived to invite us inside. Champions needed to be there for the opening dance... after we entered the other couples also followed.

McGonagall as the Headmistress took the stage and started the ball. I finally saw Momo and Luna and I was again frozen stiff seeing how beautiful they looked. Momo was wearing a dazzling black dress while Luna was wearing a silver dress... matching her eyes. The contrast between the black and silver made them look more enticing when they were together. I clearly saw that every boy around them was staring at them while drooling.

"Now, now, you don\'t need to beat them up. Don\'t need to ruin the night" Rumi whispered into my ears before the dance started. I reluctantly agreed with her. It was clear that Rumi, Momo, and Luna were looking quite forward to the ball so I decided not to ruin it.

Soon the opening dance was over and the others also walked into the dance floor. Rumi decided it was time to change partners so I soon found myself with Luna who was happily smiling and following my lead in the dance. Momo was next... while I was dancing with Momo Luna and Rumi were taking a break while snacking. Everyone around me was looking jealous... boys because of the beautiful girls in my arms and the girls because they weren\'t the one who was in my arms. I noticed Fleur... she was looking at me sadly while she was dancing with Davies.

It was kind of more like dragging him around. It was clear that Fleur wanted to approach me but she didn\'t. After the dinner was over, I enjoyed another round of dance with the girls before Luna said that she agreed to play a role. I was confused at first but I remembered what I discussed with Momo before I went to pick up Rumi. A stupid grin appeared on my face... I was the luckiest guy... while saying that I left the ball with the girls...

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