
Chapter 600 The Two Futures

It was as if Arthur had lived through these events. There were gaps and points of uncertainties, but Arthur had perfectly predicted and calculated the highest point of all the Overcomers. The information of Garenjazz on the possible Presiders that could be arriving was also given. 

Arthur could see it all as the threader of the Lion\'s Den, which allowed him to make immense calculations into the future. In this vision, he had arrange battle strategies and crafted great plans that brought them to the point of victory amidst the many Presiders.

There were many uncertainties, and Arthur was intentionally feeding data that forced their victory within the marginal expectation of the Overcomer\'s growth in the midst of battle

And finally, he saw it.

A future where Future Zeraphine would once more give her life to save the Adult Seeker. The Child Seeker would pass away, and only the Adult remained. Under the leadership of the Adult, the battle progresses with great losses, but among all the Overcomers, the Adult fights to save Lynd and Meryl.

The other future was a divergence where the Present Zeraphine won the battle between the two Zeraphines. But in the future, the ending was still similar to the first Zeraphine. Zeraphine would be faced with a choice that would ultimately direct her true allegiance to her. But her soul would overcome, and the soul of Zeraphine broke free from the chains of the Primordial and gained freedom. In her freedom, she would make the same sacrifice her alternate self made and die. But this time, for the child Seeker.

The Adult Seeker died, and the Child retained the leadership mantle.

He would rage against the Principals and lead the overcomers.

In this future, the battle grows intense as many Overcomers die one after the other.

Meryl uses her power to fight and fend off as many enemies as possible and dies to become the most crucial war hero.

Arthur saw it and realized the battle that Alean did not know but sought to attain.

Zeraphine saw Arthur in a trance and heard him mutter a horrifying phrase.

Lennox was also shocked.

"One Seeker will die? I see now..." Lennox understood at once. He could guess what dilemmas and issues the future would have and understand the heart of Alean and why her Path drove her to flee.

"What do you mean?!" Zeraphine asked.

"I have seen the future. I now understood why Alean kidnapped your present self and trained her. A future draws near in the coming battle. And the two of us are on opposite sides!"

"What? How can you both be on opposite sides?!"

"You love the Adult. Alean loves the Child. In the future to come, one of the two will die. Zeraphine, are you ready to die for Seeker? And what I mean is, a true and final death for you?"

"In a heartbeat! I love Seeker! You shouldn\'t even question it, Arthur. You could already see it. So what lies in the future?"

"A future is coming when one of the two Seekers will die. The Zeraphine who wins and takes control of the body and soul will dictate this future."

Zeraphine was shocked at Arthur\'s words.

"...How certain is this?"

"This is the least of the problems. I have calculated and sought the best path where we survive and face the Principal. But even before the strongest of our armies face the Principal, one Seeker dies. So we are presented with a choice of who to save. Is it your Seeker or the Child?"

Zeraphine was silent. She began to hesitate.

"...Will you still win this even if one Seeker dies?"

"It doesn\'t matter which. Both Seekers are Overcomers now. Not just the Child. Both can now take on each other\'s mantle."

"...Why do you want the Child Seeker to die? Is this a trick?"

"Of course not. Don\'t you understand, Zeraphine? Alean wants to save the Child! You probably saw it all. You know that Alean is in love with the child! She wants a future that this child lives! And in doing so, the future that she seeks will pit Seeker to an important decision! Will he lose his friends again, or will he try to save as many of the Overcomers?"

"And what does that imply? What is that to you? Are you saying that the Child won\'t save you?"

"Do I really look like the type to think of my life? Didn\'t you see how I died in that timeline? My concern is not this. But it\'s because he won\'t protect Meryl when the time comes."


"Just as you are willing to do anything for the survival of Seeker, I\'ve loved Meryl. I\'ve lived a thousand possibilities where I am hers, and she is mine. Even if it\'s not yet there, the hope of this drives me to fight for it!"

Zeraphine was amazed at Arthur\'s declaration.

"Zeraphine. Alean\'s power is not as wide as it seems. She is looking for a beneficial ending. And the most that she wants is a future with Seeker alive. I don\'t think she knows it yet." Lennox explained.

"And herein lies the problem. My Path and her path are going to clash. We want different things. And now, I\'m laying this truth to you. Because right now, this future is set. And not just set. It\'s tied and destined. So I can sense that the death of one Seeker must happen."

"What do you mean?"

"The Lost Primordial planned to bring two Seekers together and allow both to grow. Unfortunately, one Seeker was not enough in the future he could set. And to hide his plan from the Primordial, he had to make various levels of deception. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. The future battle against the Primordial is focused on these identities. Seeker, Lynd, and someone else are set to become one of these three. They are a typology of the Christ and the Trinity."

"Then why can\'t two Seekers be it? The Truth and the Life? The Messiah and the Spirit?"

"Not possible. The three have to have different roles. Different powers and different souls. The Mantle of Life is the body that a Primordial should have. One who is the foundation, one who has the power of all Paths, and one who will be the body that can bear the supreme power of the two. A Glorified Body that has yet to appear. But this is why it can\'t be two Seekers. Who will be the host of Seeker\'s other soul? And even if it\'s possible to find a medium, you tell me whether the medium can bring out the same power of the original?"

"...No. Reaching full power in a medium\'s body is impossible."

"Then there you have it. One Seeker must die. It fits the current plan of the Progenitor and how he managed to hide this plan from the Primordial and Primes. You\'re choice, Zeraphine." Arthur stated.

"The future where one Seeker dies must happen. The Progenitor called many of those he planted seeds... And unless a seed dies, it won\'t bear fruit. Right now, the inheritance of this power is not yet decided. And so, there is another battle at work. A battle set in the dimensions beyond to thwart and alter the fate and future of the Champion so that the Primordial would not sense the arrival of the person who the Progenitor prepared to challenge him!"

The Future Zeraphine was silent. It was a difficult decision. Now that the two had been divided, she hesitated. She had also grown to love the Child, for she viewed him as Seeker! But now that one must go, Zeraphine couldn\'t easily say yes.


Alean and Present Zeraphine continued their training.

The progress of Unlocking was very slow. Alean had to use his powers to force Zeraphine into many very near-death experiences but found that the shell of the Conqueror and the curse were yet another hindrances that prohibited them from becoming Unlocked.

Zeraphine had already taken the drugs, and with Alean\'s guidance, she even managed to set the foundations. Yet the mental barriers could not be brought down easily.

Zeraphine was lying on the floor with many wounds.

"Have you rested? You should try to take possession of me."

"...I don\'t think that I became an Unlocked! This plan... is insane!"

"My Path brought us here. We will continue to train here until we find out how to control your powers. My path is not without its hardships. You cannot enter the zone if you are not skilled." Alean laughed.

Zeraphine sighed as she sat up. Alean sat in front of her, and together both closed their eyes.

As Zeraphine closed her eyes and tried to command her soul to move without her Throne, she somehow felt a strange sensation.

At once, she opened her eyes and turned to the altar. There was clearly a powerful presence there that she could feel!

"What was that...? Was that... my soul sensing?!"

Alean also opened her eyes and saw the state of Zeraphine.

"Good! It looks like our plans are progressing! You are starting to develop your Path!" Alean rejoiced.

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