
Chapter 283.2

Chapter 283.2

Chapter 283.2. The City Of Ash

Silence dominated, and with each step, ash swirled down onto Mii-chan.

“Is anyone here?”

This is supposed to be the God Realm, right? It looks deserted, though.

I’m looking up at the sky, the black clouds persist, and no light pierces through.

“I’m Takano Miu. I’m currently a mob character on the rise.”

It’s empty here, I said with a troubled expression, but I saw something in the shadow of a broken house.

“A silhouette? Have I finally found Village NPC A?”

I cautiously approached the house where I saw the figure.

The ceiling had collapsed, and debris littered the table covered in ash. In front of the fireplace stood a man in outdated, shabby fashion, wearing a dirty toga.

I have a bad feeling about this… A horrible feeling.

“Excuse me, have you seen a fox girl around here? Or a girl with a little fox on her head?”

Summoning up my courage, I called out to the figure. I already knew the outcome, but it was a matter of formality.

“Ahh… Uwaa.”

The old man slowly turned, groaning. When I saw his face, she sighed in relief rather than fear.

“MeAT… MEat SmELls. Uwa.”

The old man raised his hand toward Mii-chan and began walking toward her with surprising steadiness.

His face was partially decayed, and one eye stared blankly. Rotted muscles were visible, and his lips were missing, revealing his gums. Although his toga was dirty, it was surprisingly clean without any bloodstains.

“It’s definitely a zombie!”

With a click, I prepared to confront the approaching zombie.


The zombie reached out to grab Mii-chan, but she sidestepped to the side.


She delivered a sharp kick to the zombie’s knee from the side. There was a cracking sound, and the zombie knelt. Seeing its head now at the same height as Mii-chan’s, she executed a spinning kick without mercy.

The zombie was sent flying, bouncing off the ground, and convulsed before becoming still.

“Is this a zombie town? … What’s going on?”

The defeated zombie crumbled into dust, and a glowing orb of light, like a firefly, flew into the sky. Additionally, a 10-centimeter Golden Thread floated in the air.

I grabbed the Golden Threads with my fingertips and took a bite.

“It’s sweet… This must be the thread of fate or something.”

I had seen this thread when I helped Elizabeth. Why would zombies have it?

“Well, there’s no time to think about it.”

Moments ago, it had been eerily silent, and there had been no sign of life. But now, she sensed multiple presences rustling, and she readied herself.

“MEAt… GivE it To ME!”

“My bOdy cRAveS pOWEr.”

“I tOO dESirE THat POwer.”

From crumbling debris, the shadows of broken walls, and the ash-covered ceiling, many zombies emerged.

They were all in a pitiful state, groaning as they advanced towards Mii-chan.

They surrounded me, as far as my eye could see. Where had they all been hiding?

“GiVe iT!”

One zombie took the lead, approaching me.

“Not gonna happen!”

Bending at the waist and crawling low, she slipped into the zombie’s space and delivered a sweeping kick. As the zombie fell, she stomped mercilessly on its head.

I dealt with the next zombie as well. I stepped forward and delivered a palm strike to its temple.

The shockwave raced through the zombie’s body, and it collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.


Surprisingly, the agile zombies began to moan eerily and rushed at me from all sides.


I propelled herself into the air with a quick kick to the ground, spinning gracefully. I struck with the tips of my toes to the zombies’ necks.

The sound of bones breaking accompanied the zombies falling, one by one.

Without checking my accomplishments, I continued to kick and crush the zombies’ necks like a swarm of bees attacking relentlessly.

“Sorry! Many of my powers are sealed, but there’s one thing that isn’t!”

Using a zombie’s head as a stepping stone, Mii-chan rushed forward, wearing a fierce, predatory grin.

“My job proficiency isn’t sealed. That’s why I can still fight even with a low level!”

I spun my body, increasing the momentum of my spin, and delivered sharp kicks one after another, taking down the zombies.

“MIne miNE!”

A man, showing a comparatively less decayed face, used other zombies as stepping stones to jump up.

He seemed to retain a fragment of self-awareness. Clenching his fists, he charged towards me. He could still fight to some extent: a High Zombie, perhaps.

Mii-chan balanced herself on top of the zombie’s head and extended her toes, intercepting his approaching fist. She deftly redirected his punch, he lost his balance and began to fall. Mii-chan swung her leg to deliver a powerful kick to High Zombie’s head.

“Luckily, I have my martial arts and a versatile job!”

Like monkeys, other High Zombies jumped up and attacked. I moved my body like a willow, effortlessly deflecting punches and kicks, countering him with my strikes.

“With 3 ‘Master’ composite jobs, I acquired the Hero job. Even without skills or magic, I’ll shatter everything with my masterful martial arts!”

Having obtained the ultimate human job, Mii-chan grinned with a fierce and aggressive expression, declaring to the zombies writhing around her.

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