
Chapter 179 Departing

An annoying voice echoed from behind me, however, I didn\'t stop what I was doing.

"I\'m busy."

Not lifting my eyes from the stack of clothes I was folding and throwing into my Spatial Ring, I responded to Oscar, who was grumbling on my sofa.

I let out a sigh, my patience wearing thin as I tried to concentrate on the task at hand.

I was planning to spend an entire week outside the reach of civilization, so preparing all the necessary supplies was of utmost importance.

Especially since there was no guarantee that the journey ahead would be a smooth one.

If everything went according to the plan, I would only need to fight a few enemies and avoid any major obstacles.

Unfortunately, experience had taught me that things rarely went according to plan.

\'This would be so much easier if Oscar would just leave me alone...\'

Glancing at my friend, who seemed to be in a perpetual state of laziness on the sofa, I couldn\'t help but feel a twinge of annoyance.

\'Why is he still here...\'

Clicking my tongue in irritation, I stood up and stretched my back before going to the kitchen and grabbing a bunch of water bottles and a few cans of food to add to my already overflowing Spatial Inventory.

As I packed the supplies and made sure I had enough Health Potions to last me through a lot of battles, I took a deep breath and let the weight of my responsibilities settle on my shoulders.

This could be the last time I see this apartment, so I made sure to take a moment to appreciate the familiar surroundings.

Except for the drunk Oscar, who was speaking gibberish.

\'I have to deal with him before I leave...\'

Approaching the sofa where Oscar sprawled I couldn\'t help but feel my eyebrow twitch upon seeing the marks of vomit on the floor nearby.

\'This bastard...\'

A few hours ago when I was just done with the breakthrough to the next Rank, Oscar had barged into my apartment uninvited, ruining my peaceful moment of celebration.

From the information I managed to gather, his father\'s company managed to secure an important business deal, and Oscar was as drunk as a skunk by the time he stumbled into my apartment.

Although he doesn\'t like his father, it doesn\'t seem as though this gets in the way of his enjoying some alcoholic beverages.

\'If you trained as hard as you drank...\'

Rubbing my temples in frustration, I quickly cleaned the vomit and made sure Oscar was at least presentable.

"Get up."

I kicked him in the side, making him groan in pain before slowly sitting up, rubbing his head with a groggy expression.

"Oh Hello, Aiden, how\'s your day been?"

A thick vein bulged on my forehead as I resisted the urge to strangle him.

This guy didn\'t even know where he was!

I looked at him with a glare that could melt steel and replied.

"My day was just peachy until you stumbled in here and made a mess..."

I tried to make him feel some guilt, but behind his blurry brown eyes, I could see no hint of thought.

He was drunk as fuck!

"No, I do not want to eat tomatoes..."

Speaking gibberish and rolling on the other side of the sofa, Oscar continued to ramble incoherently, completely oblivious to my frustration.

"Well... Yawn, goodnight."

Frustrated and exhausted by Oscar\'s drunken antics, I let out a deep sigh and realized that dealing with him would be unfortunate but necessary.

Amidst my exasperation, I decided that I couldn\'t just leave Oscar in this state. With a determined sigh, I grabbed a glass of cold water from the kitchen and returned to the sofa where he lay inebriated.

I splashed the cold water onto his face, causing him to sputter and jolt awake. He blinked at me, his eyes finally focusing on my face.

"What the... Aiden? Why... Why\'d you do that?"

Oscar mumbled, his voice slurred and confused.

"Maybe it will help you sober up a bit."

I replied dryly, my irritation still evident in my tone.

"Now, where are you living? I\'m going to take you back to your place."

Oscar blinked a few more times as if trying to process my words. It took a moment, but then he seemed to recall where he lived.

"I live... I live in the dorms. On campus..."

He muttered, struggling to sit up, however, I had the urge to kick him again.

"No shit! Which room?"

After some time I managed to extract the information from him.

"3rd Building... Ro- Room 24"

I nodded and helped him stand, draping his arm over my shoulder to support him. He was heavier than I anticipated, and it took some effort to keep him steady as we stumbled toward the door.

Oscar\'s apartment wasn\'t too far from mine, fortunately. We walked in an awkward and wobbly fashion, his stumbling steps matched by my efforts to keep us both upright.

Tap... Tap...

Finally, we reached the entrance to the dormitory building. I managed to swipe Oscar\'s access card to let us in, and we navigated the hallways, his directions getting more coherent as we went.

After what felt like an eternity, we made it to his door. With some careful maneuvering, I helped him unlock it and guided him inside. The room was dimly lit, cluttered, and had a faint smell of takeout containers and unwashed laundry.

I managed to steer Oscar to his sofa, where he flopped down with a groan. He looked slightly more awake now, though still far from sober.

"Thanks... for bringing me back..."

He mumbled, his words slightly more coherent.

I sighed, feeling a mix of relief and exasperation.

"Make sure to drink plenty of water and sleep it off. And clean up this mess, Oscar."

He nodded weakly, his eyes already drooping.

"Yeah... I will."

With a final glance around his messy apartment, I turned to leave.

"Take care of yourself."

As I headed for the door, I heard a tired, "See ya, Aiden," from behind me.

Exiting his apartment, I let out a breath I hadn\'t realized I\'d been holding.

My frustration with Oscar hadn\'t completely dissipated, but at least he was back in his own space now.

However, my departure from his apartment didn\'t go unnoticed. As I turned the corner in the hallway, I came face-to-face with Katarina.

Her Emerald eyes shimmered in the dimly lit hallway as she stared at me.

She raised an eyebrow at me, clearly amused and confused.

"I didn\'t know you are into the same gende-"

She began to speak, however, before she could finish I interrupted her with a stern look.

"I\'m not, he was drunk and I helped him to get home safely."

Katarina\'s lips quirked up into a subtle smile, clearly enjoying my discomfort.

"Well, well, Aiden, your secret\'s safe with me."

She replied, her tone playfully conspiratorial and I barely resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

As I turned to continue on my way, Katarina fell into step beside me. The awkward silence between us was palpable, and I found myself wishing for a way to steer the conversation away from the subject at hand.

We walked side by side, our footsteps echoing down the corridor. After a few moments, Katarina broke the silence with a simple question, her voice neutral.

"So, where are you off to?"

I glanced at her briefly, noting the genuine curiosity in her eyes.


I replied succinctly. I couldn\'t just say I was going to raid the first Shadow Dungeon that appeared in the world.

Katarina nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response.

"Sounds like a good idea. Everyone needs some time away from their routine now and then."

I grunted in agreement, realizing that she was right. Even though I was used to my lifestyle, there was a nagging feeling that a change of scenery might be beneficial.

Before I could decide whether to keep our conversation going or let it dwindle into silence again, Katarina turned her head to me and asked.

"And where are you headed?"

I hesitated for a moment, trying to think of a place that I could use as a lie.

"I\'m planning to spend some time out in the wilderness near Helixia, just need to clear my head."

Katarina\'s eyes glinted with intrigue.

"Sounds like a true adventurer\'s getaway."

We reached the campus exit, our steps slowing as we approached the door. For a moment, neither of us moved, as if caught in a strange limbo.


Katarina began, her voice holding a hint of reluctance.

"I should probably head in the opposite direction. Family gathering, you know."

I raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised that Katarina had family gatherings to attend.

"Family, huh? Good luck."

She chuckled softly, a warmth entering her eyes.

"I don\'t need any luck, it\'s only my family. Besides, they\'re not all that bad."

I nodded in understanding, a newfound perspective on her surfacing.

"Well, have a good time dealing with your relatives."

She grinned, a mischievous spark in her eyes.

"And have a thrilling adventure out there in the wilderness."

For a second, we looked at each other and went our own ways.

It seems that I missed an opportunity to present her with a deal to join my group, but there\'ll be more chances to come.


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