带着爸爸去留学 电视剧

Chapter 309

Ozul’s face was also hidden beneath the conical hat.


A bolt of lightning flashed in the backdrop, and heavy rain began to fall...

“Why you bastard-”

“It’s better that you go and comfort your daughter...” Ozul didn’t let him speak.

‘Today is a fine day...’ he looked at the sky, enjoying the absence of that hateful sunlight.


His words, though, caused Kenzie to flinch as a sense of trepidation took over. This man was obviously strong enough that he couldn’t even feel his Mana and he had no idea how many people were after his daughter.

Kenzie glared at the duo before he swiftly flew back where he had left his daughter with her guards.

‘Damn bastards! If anything happens to my daughter, I will not let you all see the light of the next day!’ He cursed in his heart, but all he could do right now was to check on his daughter.

If these three people had more men with them, it was highly likely that his daughter was in danger. It only dawned upon him now that he had made a mistake in following after the duo before.


“Ozul!” shouted the duo in unison.

After Kenize had left, both of them hurriedly took off their masks and ran over to Ozul’s side.

Contrary to their expectations, Ozul didn’t look as excited about their reunion. He only had this face of indifference with lingering traces of disappointment flashing past his eyes.

“What... was that?” he asked with a heavy voice.

Raven and Blaze tensed up, both keeping their heads on the ground.


Ozul shook his head, “Whatever... you have learned your lesson.”

He didn’t question their methods. He left it up to them to learn the lesson from this experience.

‘They are not little kids now,’ Ozul thought in his mind. If by chance, he wasn’t here, this might have been the end for the duo today.

“I will just remind you again. You are both useless to me if you die,” he remarked.

“I-It was my fault,” Raven hurriedly replied, “... sorry.”

“I am at fault just the same,” Blaze added.

Both didn’t dare to look straight into Ozul’s eyes.


Opposite to them, Ozul didn’t know whether to keep scolding, leave them alone, or console them now.

“...It’s fine. Whatever happened, has happened. Just... be careful next time. A failed mission is fine. A failed mission with both of you dead is not.”

In the end, he decided that he would have to put extra effort into scolding and they would keep pestering him if he didn’t say anything at all.

“Un!” -x2

Both quickly agreed with swift nods. Although surprised, both had an inkling that it might have been the rain that saved them today.

“Do you still have business in this city?” Ozul asked.

“Yes. We have to confirm the status of that member,” answered Raven.

“Do whatever you want. Find me in that hotel after you are done with things. Don’t get in trouble.”

Ozul turned back towards the city. He had no intentions of helping the duo with anything unless that Rank-9 Mage found them again.

‘Until they are done, I’ll have my sleep...’

Ozul removed his hat and let his clothes soak in the rain as he leisurely flew back to the hotel.

Today was indeed a fine day...

. . .

Back at the hotel, he noticed that the Rank-9 Mage he had seen previously was still present at the scene.

However, there were now other powerful Mages on the site as well.

The innocent-looking girl was now beside the Rank-9 Mage as he was questioning a few people.

From his room, he could easily hear their conversation. Right now, one of the five Rank-6 Mages present during the earlier uproar stood before Kenzie with a respectful posture.

“Don’t play with me! Do you expect me to believe that you were just randomly passing by while coincidentally my daughter was attacked?!” Kenzie shouted at the meek guy who visibly trembled in fear.

“C-City Lord! I would never lie! I... had just come to the city yesterday, even questioned all the famous businesses if they would hire me, you can ask them!” Kone hurriedly explained himself.

His swift reply made Kenzie put even more Mana pressure on him.

He continued to stare at him for a short while and was just about to say something when the girl beside him spoke up, “Father! This man wasn’t even trying to protect me earlier... I think he didn’t even know that I was your daughter...”

Hearing her words, Kenzie looked at the two guards who always remained by his daughter’s side earlier and saw them nod their head as well.

“Very well,” Kenzie spoke and then called one of his subordinates over, “Verify his statements. If what he said has even a shred of deceit, execute him on spot.”

The subordinate eyed Kone before performing a bow towards Kenzie and leaving.

“I shall personally reward you if you are telling the truth. If not... ” Kenzie didn’t finish his sentence but the meaning behind his words were clear.

A shiver ran down Kone’s spine as he nodded solemnly, hoping that they wouldn’t find out the truth.

They only had this short conversation before Kenzie moved away and began personally escorting his daughter back home. But not before ordering all of his troops to remain and monitor the surrounding areas, as well as keep an eye out for any unusual activities in the city.

‘At the end of the day, it appears that they were successful,’ Ozul paused before closing the window and returning to his bed.

Raven and Blaze didn’t come back here since the Rank-9 Mage was still there and they wouldn’t be able to escape his vigilance. However, with the help of the Three-Eyed Strangers, they would immediately get the news on what had happened here.

Since Kenzie hadn’t immediately killed Kone, their mission was almost completed. They would just have to tie up any loose ends and their spy would be out of any suspicion.

They wouldn’t have been able to fool Kenzie, but it wouldn’t be hard to deceive his subordinates who were about to verify all of what Kone had said.

Next it would depend on how Kone would win Kenzie’s trust and infiltrate his manor.

Only at moments like these can one comprehend how deadly an organisation with eyes on nearly every street can become when necessary.

Ozul closed his eyes, satisfied, the sound of rainfall striking the ground and the familiar smell of earth calming him slightly.

Suddenly feeling something jump on his bed, he shifted a little to the side to make some space for the black cat who would always appear to sleep with him.

. . .

Ozul didn’t have to stay in the same room for more than a few days.

With the complete support from the branch of the Three-Eyed Strangers in the city, the duo was quickly able to mend their mistakes.

Though they couldn’t make a move by themselves since Kenzie was fully alert, he didn’t even let his daughter out of his manor once.

The city guards patrolled the streets in big groups, even normal citizens could tell that something was wrong.

Unfortunately for Kenzie, he didn’t think that the only organization that he had allowed in the city was behind this incident. With their help, it wasn’t hard to mold the lies into truth.

He firmly believed that the organization was indeed neutral and only passively collected information from the streets all around the continent.

Because of this, he even sent his men to the branch to ask for help with this matter.

Before long, Kenzie’s suspicion of Kone faded as he could only find evidence supporting his claims.

Once that happened, Kone was finally allowed to leave the manor. The guards had detained him there together with all those present at the scene during the incident.

What happened next depended solely on Kone. Raven and Blaze decided that they had helped enough in this city. They found Ozul in the hotel that he had mentioned.

“...You are done already?” Ozul lazily asked while rubbing his eyes and then whispered to himself, “It hadn’t even been a week.”

“We don’t have to move already! We can stay here for as long as you want!” Raven hurriedly offered as she couldn’t endure Ozul’s almost pouting expression.

“...I can?” Ozul looked back at her, expectations filled his eyes.

Just when Raven was about to agree, Blaze interrupted her, “Uhm... weren’t we short on time though?”

Ozul released a sigh before he stood up from the bed with a heavy face.

Meanwhile, Raven glared at Blaze for making him sad.

Ozul honestly had a very blissful time these past days. All he did was sleep! There was no one to remind him about things that they had yet to do.


What improved his mood further was that it continued to rain every day.

So much rain affected those with poor households, but he sincerely didn’t care. Rain was one of those few times when he wouldn’t have to endure that sunlight.

Even as he became stronger and regained his limbs, the light never seemed to get any less bothersome. This one aspect has been constant throughout the years.

“You guys lead the way, I have no idea where we are,” Ozul stated as he walked out of the hotel.

“We are in the territory of the Leonhard Dynasty,” informed Raven as she took the lead.

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