带着爸爸去留学 电视剧

Chapter 4

He had already noticed that no one liked him. His mother was the only exception. There was panic, fear, and disgust in everyone’s eyes that looked at him.

The reason? Well, he is not so sure himself, but If he had to take a guess? He would probably say that the tattoo-like engravings on both of his arms and his left leg were perhaps the reason.

Yes, There were some kind of symbols in black colour slowly moving around the arms and his left leg like they were alive. The symbols visibly etched on his skin. Trying to move to other parts of his body but failing. They were strange in more ways than one.

Other incidents involving him were also strange. The whole continent suddenly got engulfed in darkness during his birth, His deep abyss like eyes, And the dark aura surrounding him. Together with the mysterious symbols, just about anyone would call him a Devil’s Child.

He began to wonder about how he was even able to understand what people were saying.

But just at this moment, one of the masked men under Edward approached him, and only when the masked man was about to touch Ozul’s hand, the ancient lifelike symbols suddenly stopped and sent a streak of dark energy towards the man’s hand which started burning the hand.



Edward Abilon could see how the dark smoke swirling around the man’s hand was slowly disintegrating it until the energy dispersed, leaving only the man’s screams of agony and less than half an arm.

Edward was stunned but not so surprised. He had already expected resistance from the ‘Devil’s Spawn.’ That is why he sent his subordinate to test the waters.

He also realized that only when the man’s hand touched the engraved skin, did it act and retaliate.

Meaning, except for the arms and the left leg, it should be safe to touch ‘It’.

But he still wouldn’t take risks with his life and ordered his guard to check it.

The guy with half an arm was sent away. Another one of the guards came forward and instead of foolishly trying to touch him. He took a rod out seemingly out of nowhere and touched the normal part of the skin with it.

He received no reaction whatsoever. Even though the masked man was not sure if direct skin contact could again trigger the dark energy, He now had a little more confidence.

The masked man went forward to touch ‘it’, albeit slowly. He was relieved to find out that he did not have a hand slowly turning into dust.

He picked ‘It’ up carefully, as not to touch or even go near the weird lifelike symbols.

“Take it away!” hurriedly ordered Edward as he did not want to take an unnecessary risk by keeping the Devil incarnate here.


“Take it away!” was the last thing Ozul heard before being carried away like a piece of baggage to somewhere.

He had already discerned that these people would not have mercy on a child, the way they kept calling him ‘It’. Like a thing, not even considering him alive.

But what could Ozul even do besides thinking? After all, He was a newborn baby. Except for crying and swinging his hands, there was nothing much he could do to change the outcome of the situation.

Maybe... just maybe, if he had those engravings under his control. But he would need some time to figure out anything—the time which the current situation didn’t allow him.

After a long time, he was brought into the woods. But the masked man still did not rest and kept running nonstop.

It was then that all of a sudden dizziness got the better of him and he started drifting into sleep.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ozul did not know how much time passed, but when he regained consciousness, he was already in an area surrounded by trees. Other than the trees, he could only see a seemingly low-profile warehouse of some sort.

No one was in the vicinity of the warehouse except for a supposedly drunk man sitting in front of it.

Only when he was in front of the drunk man, did he ‘notice’ our presence.

“Hear our voices,” dumbly said the drunk man to no one as he kept a vacant look on his face.

“Trust and loyalty,” was what replied the masked man that carried Ozul.

Hearing the reply, the supposedly drunk man stood straight and gave a swift salute. Following which he did not ask any questions and went straight towards the gate to open it.

The masked man quietly went into the warehouse.

All Ozul could see inside the warehouse was a table in the middle, and some chairs scattered around it. When the gate closed behind him, darkness engulfed him. He tried to see but could hardly manage to make heads and tails of things.

The masked man did a weird chant, and suddenly a ball of fire appeared floating in front of him, Illuminating the surroundings a bit.

He laid down Ozul on the table and sat down on one of the chairs. The atmosphere ever so calm.

Ozul never resisted anything happening to him; he just kept observing.

No one even thought of how Ozul needed something to fill his belly as it has been more than 24 hours that he came into this world.

But hunger was something Ozul did not understand yet even though he figured out most of his emotions.

He may not know it, but his body was dead tired, and all it could do to sustain itself was to sleep.

And sleep it did.

In the meantime, the guard did not even move from his position.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

A couple of days just passed like that. Nothing noteworthy happened in the meantime, except for how the guard went outside a couple of times but came back just the next minute.

Ozul body was still hungry, but over time, the dark aura surrounding his body started seeping into his body.

And each time it did, Ozul felt energized, which was why that he was still fine without milk or any other nourishment. It seemed the aura had a mind of its own and wanted to assist Ozul.

On this day, things changed. Suddenly the door opened, and three shadows entered.

With a closer look, there were three conspicuous men. Two of whom Ozul recognized as the man with fiery red hairs and his subordinate.

The other man was elderly. He had white hair, a small beard, and some lines on his face. Despite the wrinkles, his straight posture and cold front showed no weakness.

Like the age only affected his appearance but not his capabilities.

He appeared to be a wise old man; anyone would have considered him as a kind man if not for the cold look in his eyes.

In an instant, they were in front of the table that Ozul was on.

The masked man hurriedly took his leave with the appearance of these men.

“This is the Devil’s Spawn I was talking about, Physician Sleever.”

Said, Edward was pointing towards Ozul on the table.

The old man went forward to inspect Ozul. He tried to understand something from the symbols but was left disappointed. He had no other choice but to take some samples and research it thoroughly.

He was a Physician that was considered one of the best in the Silverbird Kingdom. But even he could not figure out anything about those etched symbols.

“We have to take some samples back to research it carefully, I cannot be sure of anything with just a look.” said, Physician Sleever while shaking his head.

“Very well, Then we should do as you suggest,” replied Edward. He then motioned towards William, his most trusted aide.

William just nodded and went forward before suddenly, a knife appeared in his hand.

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