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Chapter 792: Pondering and Guess

Chapter 792: Pondering and Guess

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As Project X emerged from the shadows, all the prison cats wanted to take this chance and escape. The noise from the fight was getting closer. It was apparent that Momo could no longer stop the official apostles.

Project X smiled and spoke softly, “Look at me...”

As he activated his gravitational ability, all the supercats were forced to look at Project X. When the cats made eye contact, the hypnosis powers were activated and they fell into a daze.

“Prepare for war...” Project X’s melodious voice rang through their minds. “Do not be afraid. Do not fear. I have granted you with eternal life...”

All the supercats’ eyes starting glowing with fanaticism and the thirst for blood.

When Project X saw this, he smiled and sank back into the shadows.

Soon, there was a loud explosion from the supernatural prison. All the supercats rushed out and fought with the official apostles.


Meanwhile in Cat Wonderland, Zhao Yao and the cats were attacking the Dimension Portal like crazy.

After a period of time, they finally stopped and all the supercats looked at the other side of the Dimension Portal curiously.

“Is he dead? Is he?” The brick in Zhao Yao pocket was screaming.

Roly Poly said at the side. “Stop screaming. We are observing. However, he is so far. We can’t see properly. Does anyone want to go in and check if he is dead?”

After Roly Poly spoke, all the cats turned and looked at him.

Zhao Yao stroked Roly Poly’s head and said, “Roly Poly, you gave a brilliant suggestion. Why not you go in and check if they are dead?”

“What!” Roly Poly cursed in his heart and fell to the ground unconscious.

Zhao Yao tugged the corners of his mouth. “Acting dead? I knew you were unreliable. Lucifer go and check it out.”

Roly Poly sat up again. “It’s so strange. I suddenly felt dizzy just now. Looks like I have been eating too little. My sugar level is low.”

Lucifer said excitedly, “You guys can’t do this to me! You guys are forcing me to give my life away! I will die! Hahaha”

Zhao Yao rolled his eyes and kicked Lucifer in. Lucifer flew into the Dimension Portal and fell beside Coffee.

All the cats squeezed their heads to look into the Dimension Portal. The brick in Zhao Yao’s pocket shouted, “What just happened? Is Roly Poly dead?”

No one bothered to reply to Matcha. All of them were staring at the Extradimensional Belly and they saw Lucifer crawl up, took a look at Coffee and he screamed. Then, Lucifer fell to the floor.

“Seriously?” Zhao Yao was in disbelief. “He passed out from fear? Really?”

Elizabeth said, “It may be real. The cats have been bombarded into pieces. It’s too gory.”

“Then let’s wake him up.” Zhao Yao thought about it and activated the illusion.

Lucifer stood up instantly and answered, “Stop it. I am a cat. I don’t eat poop.” He walked in front of Coffee and looked carefully. “He should be dead?”

Then, he looked at Slaughter and Shadow. “They should be dead too.”

When he walked in front of Doll, he said out of bewilderment, “This is a robot? But he looks damaged.”

When he walked in front of Project X, he was confused and went through the pieces of metal in the floor. He asked, “There is some problem. Why are there only metal pieces?”

Zhao Yao changed his powers to Time Freeze and walked into the Extradimensional Belly.

Since the other cats were confirmed dead, he walked behind Lucifer and looked at Project X in bewilderment.

The pieces of Project X on the floor were corroded, burnt, and broken. It was obvious that these were pieces of pure metal, there were no signs of flesh and blood.

“What? Why?” Zhao Yao grabbed the metal pieces and used Rice Cake Blade to cut them open. They were still metal and not flesh and blood.

Lucifer suggested, “Maybe he turned himself into a metal with some kind of metallic powers.”

Zhao Yao shook his head. “But don’t you think that it is weird? In this metal form, he would just be a statue. If he really was in this form, he would not be able to move. Furthermore, if he is dead, why haven’t the powers deactivated?”

“Maybe it is the unique part of his powers.” Lucifer said, “Afterall, who can be certain about powers?”

The brick in Zhao Yao’s pocket was unsatisfied. “What is going on? Let me see! It is so dark here. I can’t see anything!”

Zhao Yao frowned and felt that something was amiss. “Let’s temporarily close the Extradimensional Belly. No person or cat is allowed into the Extradimensional Belly.”

After making this decision, Zhao Yao left the Extradimensional Belly and returned to the Cat Wonderland. He received a phone call from Uncle Ho.

“Zhao Yao! There is a riot in the supernatural prison! A group of supercats broke out and they are coming in your direction. They may be coming for Cat Wonderland.”

Uncle Ho said, “You need to be careful. Although we are in full chase, there is too much uncertainty in powers. There are at least 50 supercats running in your direction.”

After hanging up the phone, numerous pictures flashed past Zhao Yao’s mind.

Broken metal body, the riot in supernatural prison, the supercats that were coming for him and the intel from Sang Biao...

“According to Sang Biao’s intel, Project X can take away other supercat’s powers by contact. The stronger the powers, the longer the time needed.”

“Furthermore, he has a choice to take away their powers and intelligence and turn the target into an ordinary cat.”

“Or he can leave the cat with their intelligence and power. However, the supercats whose powers have been taken can no longer improve their powers.”

“Other than that...” Zhao Yao thought. “It would be the passive power that was discovered by me. Other than taking away powers, he can duplicate powers passively. As long as within a certain distance, he can obtain the same powers.”

“The powers he owns that I know that he has are gravity, Sang Biao’s evolution, Sang Biao’s laser, Shadow’s shadow powers, metallic powers, Nanako’s sound and Kaede Hattori’s Divine Ray of Terror...”

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