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Chapter 119: A Frightening Skin

Chapter 119: A Frightening Skin

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Shi Yu was stunned by Zhao Yao’s question. Zhao Yao did not seem like the type of person who would be interested in it.

At this moment, the customers felt a tremor in the restaurant, and they thought that there was another earthquake. However, the shaking subsided quickly.

“D*mn, is it another earthquake?” Shi Yu wiped the sweat from her eyebrows and continued, “Luckily it only shook for a second.”

However, Zhao Yao’s eyebrows were tightly knitted together. The previous earthquake had happened more than two weeks ago. He had almost forgotten about this incident. Even when he suddenly recalled about the spate of earthquakes, he had assumed that Inspector Ho had taken care of the supercat responsible. What was happening now?

Zhao Yao shook his head and gave up thinking about it. He fixed his eyes on Shi Yu and continued asking, “So between Daniel Wu and Kris Wu, who do you find more attractive?”

Shi Yu was somewhat perplexed by Zhao Yao’s odd question, but she still replied, “I guess I’m leaning towards Kris Wu.”

“How about Louis Koo and Kris Wu?”

“Kris Wu.”

“Then about Lu Han and Kris Wu?”

“Kris Wu.”

Zhao Yao took a deep breath before continuing, “I didn’t know you were a Kris Wu fangirl.”

“Why? Is there something wrong?” Shi Yu’s voice revealed her annoyance. She continued, “Didn’t you know that I’m so shallow? I only judge based on their face.”

Zhao Yao scratched his chin and replied coolly, “I didn’t know that most girls fancied guys like Kris Wu nowadays. I thought Daniel Wu would still be the most sought-after male celebrity.”

“Daniel Wu is handsome,” Shi Yu replied, “But he already has a wife. I’m definitely choosing Kris Wu over him.”

Zhao Yao only asked these seemingly weird questions because of the inspiration he got from Matcha’s discussions about skins.

He intended to get a set of skins for everyone working in the café, including the cats and himself. This was done with the hopes of improving the business.

Zhao Yao continued grilling Shi Yu with questions about the types of celebrities which girls adored and the species of cats which they are attracted to. Currently, the majority of their customers were women like Shi Yu. Hence, he wanted to understand his customer’s preference better.

After one hour of intense questioning, Zhao Yao finally sent Shi Yu off and brought Baiquan back to the café.

“Baiquan, I’m thinking of making some skins for them,” Zhao Yao’s eyes wandered from the supercats to the stray cats. His lips turned into a Cheshire cat smile at the thought of the cats all dressed up.

“Huh, skin?” Baiquan did not seem to understand what Zhao Yao was talking about.

“Just like this,” Zhao Yao turned his head, and he had transformed into another person instantly.

“Wu... Wu... Kris Wu!” Baiquan stared at Zhao Yao wide-eyed and could not believe what he had seen. He scratched his head and said, “But it’s not totally identical. Boss, you have the power to transform your body?”

“Your boss has many abilities which you do not know of. Continue to be surprised.” Zhao Yao touched his face smugly. Zhao Yao had cast an illusion within the café.

The illusion had turned his face into celebrities’ faces. Judging from Baiquan’s reaction, it had been somewhat successful.

“I shall try it on the cats now!”

The supercats also noticed Zhao Yao’s transformation.

“Meow!” Matcha which was engrossed in his game raised his head and announced, “See, I told you! This is the same skin that the group of girls used. Now, Zhao Yao had also bought a skin, and he’s more handsome than before.”

“So this is how it works,” Roly Poly nodded his head in amazement. He craned his neck and took a look at his belly. He mumbled, “I also want a new skin!”

Dust Ball was chasing after Mango during Zhao Yao’s “transformation”. She suddenly stopped giving chase and took a glance at Zhao Yao, but she did not notice any difference in his face.

As the oldest cat among them, Dust Ball could not notice the minute differences in Zhao Yao’s physical appearances.

After taking a few glances at Zhao Yao, she resumed her hunting game with Mango.

The two cats were chasing each other around the café. They did not slow down even when they collided with the furniture in the café. It seemed like they had lost their sense of pain.

Elizabeth groomed herself as a form of reward for the day’s hard work. She rolled her eyes as she heard Matcha’s nonsense. Elizabeth retorted, “What skins? This is just an illusion. His actual face did not even change.”

Matcha was stunned by Elizabeth’s reply. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and asked, “Your illusion can create skins?”

Matcha jumped from the top of the kitty tower and dashed straight to Zhao Yao. He ran around Zhao Yao in circles and meowed incessantly.

“Zhao Yao, can you buy me a skin too?”

Zhao Yao was delighted to see Matcha’s interest in it. He decided to envelop the café in an illusion to increase the attractiveness and consequently improved business.

Zhao Yao chuckled and asked, “What kind of skin do you want?”

“Can I have a wild and cool skin?” Matcha asked with his tail wagging in excitement, “I also want a pair of wings and preferably emit light. Oh yes, I also want a sword, a super long sword!”

“This d*mn cat,” Zhao Yao’s gritted his teeth. He snapped his finger and activated his illusion.

“Done?” Matcha scanned his body from his toes to belly and said, “How come I didn’t feel anything?”

“The skins will only be visible in other’s perspective hence you won’t feel or see it,” Zhao Yao said it just to pacify Matcha.

Matcha nodded his head and was eager to put his new menacing appearance to the test. He pounced in front of a white cat and roared as if he were a tiger. He puffed up his fur making him look twice as big as before. He imagined himself with a pair of wings and how he would glitter from head to toe just like Edward from Twilight.

However, the white cat did not seem to be bothered by Matcha’s new appearance. The white cat even looked at Matcha with despair. It started scratching the wooden floor and tried to bury Matcha underneath all these scrapings.

Baiquan pointed in Matcha’s direction and asked, “Boss, did you turn Matcha into a pile of shit?”

“Hmm, yes I did. I even added wings to it!” With a snap of his fingers, a pair of wings appeared on the pile of shit.

Zhao Yao continued observing Matcha which believed that he had actually turned into a devil-like cat and started chasing the stray cats around the café. The stray cats scuttled away with a look of contempt. Some cats stood their ground and started scratching the wooden floor. They wanted to bury Matcha with all the scrapings.

Matcha roared again before dashing towards Dust Ball. Dust Ball was taken aback by Matcha’s appearance and escaped to the top of the kitty tower.

“Meow, everyone’s afraid of me now!” Matcha declared. Matcha broke into a giant grin after seeing how all the stray cats, especially Dust Rall, ran for their lives when he gave chase. However, Mango started running towards Matcha, pounced on his body and rubbed its body against Matcha.

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