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Chapter 77: The Decision

Chapter 77: The Decision

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Zhao Yao was in a dilemma.

If he upgraded either Matcha or Elizabeth, there would be a significant increase in his combat power.

If he upgraded his BOOK, he would be able to wield the third power. He was definitely not adding Roly Poly’s ability which could be easily replaced by Elizabeth’s power of illusion.

However, Dust Ball’s power would be handy. It was a power which Zhao Yao craved for.

Furthermore, a lvl 3 book would allow Zhao Yao to earn the power of “Two is better than one” from Elizabeth, which meant a boost in strength, speed, and agility.

Elizabeth was a larger and physically stronger cat than Matcha. Hence, the effects of ‘Two is better than one’ would be even more pronounced.

But the increase in his combat power would not be as noticeable as directly upgrading Matcha.

Zhao Yao’s lips curled into a smile when he saw the words on his mission panel.

“Oh yeah, I still have my main missions. My main missions are currently at level 3. The reward for adopting the third supercat is five hundred experience points. With the effect of “2X Exp Card” in play, I would instantly receive one thousand experience points.”

“In other words, I would be able to upgrade Matcha after I upgrade my BOOK.”

Zhao Yao immediately upgraded his book by tapping the upgrade button on it. He immediately felt an enhancement in his sensory abilities. He also felt a familiar presence in the air. Part of Elizabeth had been injected into his body.

Boom! All the cells in his body seemed to have exploded simultaneously.

When Zhao Yao regained consciousness, he was already drenched in sweat and was kneeling on the floor. The other cats were staring at him curiously.

Matcha asked, “Zhao Yao, are you menstruating?”

Dust Ball dashed forward, “I’ll take you down since you are sick.”

“Get lost,” Zhao Yao slapped Dust Ball across her face and sent her flying towards Matcha.

Zhao Yao took a deep breath before he struggled to stand again. When he took a look around the room, it was like looking through a 4K television screen.

With the bonus strength of ‘Two is better than one’, Zhao Yao not only experienced an increase in speed and strength, his sensory abilities were enhanced to the point that was beyond human.

When a fly flew across his eyes, his improved sensory ability allowed him to track the fly’s movement as if it was in slow-motion. With a swing of his hand, he already had the fly firmly clenched in his fist.

When he loosened his grip, the fly escaped from his clutches and continued to fly in the original direction.

With a twitch of his nose, he realized that he could differentiate the scents between Matcha, Elizabeth, Dust Ball, Roly Poly and Mango.

He did a backflip, cartwheel, somersault, and handstand before he returned to his original position. His reaction was similar to when Peter Parker discovered his power.

“The increase in strength is just a small part ... The most important thing is the improvement in my sensory abilities, nimbleness, agility, and flexibility. This would be a great boost to my combat strength.”

There was a smile on his face as he put his new “body” to the test. Even though his strength was still comparable to the average human, his nimbleness, agility, and flexibility had greatly surpassed them. He could perform stunts that only acrobats and gymnasts were capable of.

The writings on the book changed again.

Book: lvl3(66/2000)

Zhao Yao heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the number, “Thankfully the experience points required did not increase by ten times again. 2000 experience points were still manageable.”

“The next thing to do is ...” Zhao Yao turned his head to Dust Ball and fixed his eyes on her.

The palm-sized black cat noticed Zhao Yao’s stare and knew something was wrong. She stood up and tried to escape but found herself trapped in Zhao Yao’s hands in a flash.

“Stupid Zhao Yao! Let go of me!”

Zhao Yao caressed the fur on her belly. After using the shampoo, the fur was softer than usual. They felt like black silk in his hand.

“Don’t you feel so much more comfortable after the bath?” Zhao Yao placed his finger in Dust Ball’s mouth and said, “Quick, bite me.”

Dust Ball stopped struggling and looked at Zhao Yao with a suspicious look, “What evil plans are you hatching?”

“No evil plans,” Zhao Yao continued, “Bite me; I thought you have always dreamt of biting me?”

Dust Ball shut her lips because she knew that Zhao Yao had hatched an evil plan in his head. Even when Zhao Yao pressed his finger to her lips, her lips remained tightly shut.

Zhao Yao was left with no choice but to activate Elizabeth’s power. He took control of Dust Ball’s body and bit his finger.

With the bite marks freshly imprinted on Zhao Yao’s finger, Dust Ball had been officially registered in the BOOK, and she had become Zhao Yao’s third supercat.

Zhao Yao also earned 1000 experience points for completing his main mission.

His book now wrote:

Book: Lv3(1066/2000)

Pet(3/3):Dust Ball


Loyalty: 30

Power: Extradimensional belly, it could absorb all non-living matter within the radius of 5 meters into another dimension. It could absorb up to 1.5 ton of non-living matter in a day. Living matter could choose to enter the dimension if they wished to.

“Extradimensional belly? That’s a cool power.” Zhao Yao started smiling when he was reading the description of his new power.

It was time to test it on the cup in his kitchen. He finally succeeded after failing three times consecutively.

Everything was as per described in the BOOK. By opening his mouth, he could trigger his power by thinking about it. In an instant, everything which he would like to absorb would be sucked into his extradimensional belly.

Because it was a shared power between Zhao Yao and Dust Ball, objects they absorbed were transported to the same dimension.

This meant that he was able to expel the items which Dust Ball had absorbed and vice versa.

The words beneath the main mission changed again. To reach level four on the main mission, he had to adopt a fourth supercat. The reward for this task would be five hundred experience points.

Looking at the 1066 experience points available in his BOOK, Zhao Yao decided to add ten points to Dust Ball, upgrading it to level 2. It chose the option which would allow Dust Ball to increase the capacity of her extradimensional belly to absorb 3 tons worth of items.

Currently, Zhao Yao had 1056 experience points left in his BOOK.

Both Matcha and Elizabeth were level 3(168/1000)

Meanwhile, Dust Ball was level 2(0/100)

Zhao Yao thought about it for a moment before he allocated one hundred experience points from the BOOK to Dust Ball, upgrading it to level 3. From the options available, Zhao Yao chose to increase the reach of her power, stretching the radius to 8 meters.

Instantly, Dust Ball had leveled up from level 1 to level 3. The remaining experience points from the BOOK were enough to upgrade either Matcha or Elizabeth to level 4.

Looking at the BOOK in his hand, Zhao Yao did not hesitate and pumped the remaining experience points into Matcha.

Instantly, the experience points available in the book had plummeted to 124. However, Matcha had leveled up to level 4 (0/2000)

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