
Chapter 45 Meeting Juno

We kept following the bandits but I noticed something really abnormal about these bandits because their speed is a lot greater than us not including me.

Delvi and three other warriors we trained also followed us in case we face something dangerous. No matter how powerful I\'m if I got overnumbered in a great number it will be tricky to escape or fight and I won\'t put Big sister Delvi\'s life in danger.

We kept following them few hours until they started to act like they noticed us and ran in different directions.

"Shit! Sister try to keep up with me, I will follow them," I quickly said and followed the one who looked most imposing and powerful ignoring others.

I was dumbfounded to see something I didn\'t expect from these bandits. They had tails and ears that looked like animals.

"Ohh... This is my first time meeting a beastmen," I knew they were a thing in this world but I didn\'t expect to meet them this early.

They noticed me following them and looked a little surprised that I kept following them despite their superior speed. Suddenly all of them got back together.

Just as I expected it was a diversion when they ran in different directions. Their leader figure quickly shouted saying to finish me before others catch up with me. I took a normal sword from the storage and got ready to counter their attacks.

"Child, you should go back if you take another step forward we will kill you," One of the beastkin shouted warning me.

Delvi and others were nowhere to be seen since I ran at a speed that they couldn\'t match.

"Why are you stealing our village supplies? Aren\'t you beastkins so what are you doing here?" I wanted to extract as much information as I can from these bandits.

"None of your business kid, Go back we won\'t harm you," The leader of the beastkin shouted while aiming his sharp claws at me.

"Oi~~Oi~ Old man why do you think you\'re a big shot and underestimate me just because I\'m a kid, enough talking come at me" I was a little upset with their attitude toward me.

"Tsk~ I gave you a chance kid to go back, don\'t blame me if you die," He said showing his disdain toward me giving the green signal to attack.

All the other bandits quickly came running toward me aiming at my neck with their claws. I quickly countered and dodged all of their attacks and swung my sword which injured one beastmen\'s chest.

He released a painful groan and fell holding his chest. All the others were stunned for a minute to see that their attacks were ineffective on this child.

Previously leader didn\'t take this child seriously because he thought it will be easy for his comrades to kill this child without even lifting their paws but now his eyebrows twitched when he saw his fellow kin lying on the floor holding his chest in pain.

I quickly attacked them without giving them chance to counter which took all of them by surprise. One by one got injured by my sword releasing painful noises. Their leader tried to attack me but I quickly took one of the injured beastkin hostages and kept my sword on his neck,

"Stop, Take one step forward and his head will fall on the ground," I threatened him and he quickly stopped moving.

"Kid! Stop don\'t kill anyone," The leader didn\'t expect the attack to turn out this way. He was stunned by this kid\'s talent.

"Then tell me why are you doing bandit works? Why are you guys attacking our village? Are you the bandit leader? What are beastkins doing here instead of Beastkin kingdom?" I kept asking question after question from the bandit leader.

"I will answer you every question kid first let him go," He said while pointing at the hostage.

"Old man, Do you think I\'m dumb? First, answer my questions then I might let him go," I was a little offended by his attitude toward me even after I defeated most of his comrades.

He showed a little hesitant look at first but when I injured the hostage a little he started to talk,

"We are from the beastkin kingdom and right now we are most likely what you people call bandits and for the reason, It\'s because we need food to feed our younglings." He said while showing a little sad expression.

"We found your village when we were scouting for some hunts and decided to steal some supplies from your village," When he finished talking Delvi and others also caught up with me.

"As expected you didn\'t let me do anything again," Delvi said while looking at all the injured beastmen and she had a little surprised face seeing their tails and ears.

"Next time sister," I said while giggling at her.

"Are you the leader of the bandit group?" I asked while shifting my attention toward the old man.

He showed a reluctant look to answer at first but since he was completely defeated by this kid he decided to cooperate with him.

"No, I\'m not, our leader is in our hideout, I answered all your questions now release them," He said but I was not satisfied with this result.

"Sister, Tie all the injured beastkin\'s hands and take them, hostage," I ordered them without giving attention to the old man.

"Kid, you promised to release them if I answer your question, Release them right now," The old man had an angered look but I didn\'t change my attitude.

"I didn\'t promise you anything old man, now lead us to your village or else I will kill everyone here," I wanted to see the real leader of this bandit group and decide whether the decision I want to take is right.

"Kid, I will definitely kill you if you do something to then even if I have to double suicide with you," He said and hinted us to follow him.

We walked for about 1 or 2 hours through the calamity forest and reached a worn-down village. It cannot be called a village because it had the vibe of a ghost town. It was a devastating sight to see many beastkin without any proper hygiene or food and most of them were suffering from malnutrition, Even though we called these people bandits they look nothing like bandits.

We kept walking until the old man halted near a house which looked no different from the others.

"Juno, Come out quickly we have a problem," He shouted while knocking on the door. The door opened after a few minutes of knocking and we were all surprised to see the so-called leader of this group.

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