
Chapter Book 57 8: Flower of Passion, Fruit of Love

Kou Zhong had just climbed up the dock; coming to meet him, Xu Xingzhi and Xuan Yong both showed grave expressions.

Kou Zhong mounted his horse and galloped towards the city gate with his personal guard protecting his wings, he asked the two men, “Very bad news?”

Xuan Yong replied heavily, “Liu Heita was killed by Li Jiancheng.”

Kou Zhong’s countenance changed, “That is impossible,” he blurted out.

On the other side, Xu Xingzhi sighed and said, “Liu Heita besieged Weizhou, the city defender, Tian Liu’an, could see that Liu Heita was lacking food supplies, he shut the city gates and held fast, waiting for Li Jiancheng dispatching the troops to help. Due to army provision problem, furthermore, he was afraid of Li Jiancheng and Tian Liu’an coordinating outside and inside offensives and launching pincer attack on his troops, Liu Heita withdrew to Taoguan. On one side, he set up his troop disposition with his back to the river, on the other side, he built bridges on Yongji Canal. The Tang Army came, following their tail. When Liu Heita’s army crossed the bridge, the bridge broke midway, which caused Liu Heita to suffer heavy losses. When Liu Heita, leading the rest of his army reached Raoyang, the Raozhou provincial governor Zhuge Dewei pretended to come out to meet him, but when Liu Heita entered the city, hidden troops sprang up everywhere in surprise attack, Liu Heita was wounded and captured. Zhuge Dewei grabbed Liu Heita and brought him to surrender to the Tang Army. Li Jiancheng beheaded Liu Heita in Luozhou, he even sent his severed head back to Chang’an. At the same time, Li Shentong and Li Shiji attacked Xu Yuanlang. The latter, isolated and without help, abandoned the city and escaped, he was killed on the way. The Liu Army has collapsed completely.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Hot tears gushed out of Kou Zhong’s pair of eyes, he looked up at the night sky and said, “Liu Dage, you may go in peace! If I don’t kill Zhuge Dewei and Li Jiancheng, I swear I am not a human.”

Zhuge Dewei was Liu Heita’s sworn brother. In the past, he went with Liu Heita and met with them in Xingyang City, their friendship was established since then. At that time, counting both sides, there were six people in total, including Susu, but now only he, Xu Ziling, and the heart-of-wolf-and-lungs-of-dog, selling-friend-in-order-to-seek-glory Zhuge Dewei remained, how could he not feel indignant?

Passing through the city gate, there was a sudden sound of hooves, two riders were rushing directly toward them.

Kou Zhong wiped away his tears and composed himself to look, surprisingly it was Ji Qian and Xiao He’er Yin Xiaoji, who had returned to dress in women’s clothing, the two women were in high spirits. Even more beyond his expectation was that Yin Xiaoji’s beauty was not inferior to Ji Qian.

Kou Zhong struggled hard to suppressed the grief in his heart, he met them up.

Xu Ziling disembarked near Kaifeng and rushed to Jing Nian Chanyuan by land route, while Li Shimin was returning back to Luoyang onboard the waiting House of Tang’s warship. Translated by foxs

Rain and snow began to fly from the night sky, Xu Ziling let go of his steps and flew swiftly across the snowy plain extending as far as the eye could see. Although he was in the cold weather, frozen ground [idiom: bitterly cold] world of ice and snow, his heart was hot like a ball of fire.

After so many years of twists and turns, he could finally face his beloved Shi Feixuan without the least bit of shame and tell her for certain that he did not disappoint her.

Although he could not become mandarin duck companion [i.e. a couple] with Shi Feixuan, but he was able to fulfill her cherished wish and the heavy responsibility entrusted by her school. The love between them was real and it existed deep in the hearts of both sides; it was both sad and beautiful. Precisely because there was no outcome, it had its own eternal and touching taste. For them, this should be the best ending, any wishful thinking would only bring disaster and suffering.

At this point in life, what else could he wish for?

‘Knock! Knock!’

Ba Fenghan’s voice was heard from inside the room, “Shaoshuai, please come in!”

Kou Zhong pushed the door and entered, he sighed and said, “Dealing with those piling-up-like-a-mountain, coming-one-after-another documents gives me more headache than dealing with magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. It is only now that I have time to call to pay respects to you, LaoGe and relax for a bit.”

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Ba Fenghan watched him sitting down on the edge of the bed, he spoke indifferently, “Bian Bufu is done for!” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Shaken, Kou Zhong said, “Success! Are you injured?”

Ba Fenghan spoke nonchalantly, “At that time he was accompanying Lin Shihong on an inspection tour, to assassinate him, how could I not have to pay a price? I finally settled the load in Wanjing’s mind.”

Kou Zhong said, “We seem to begin to have a bit of luck, Song Que agrees to support us.”

Emotionally moved, Ba Fenghan said, “That is indeed beyond my expectation, I thought you would hit a wall and come back.”

Kou Zhong said, “The key was that before we arrived in Lingnan, Song Que received a letter from Fan Qinghui, so that he was willing to see us, and Li Shimin was indeed outstanding, he was able to reply quickly and fluently, fully demonstrating his qualifications and ability to be the future true lord.”

Ba Fenghan spoke heavily, “Your Liu Dage was killed by a crafty scoundrel.”

Murderous intent suddenly appeared in Kou Zhong’s pair of eyes, he said, “Because of this, Li Jiancheng’s prestige is greatly aroused, Li Yuan summoning Li Shimin back to Chang’an and stripping his military power is a foregone conclusion. We must rush to Chang’an immediately and use all means to protect this future emperor. According to Li Shimin, under Li Jiancheng’s proposal, Li Yuan will formally invite Bi Xuan to Chang’an, it shows clearly that this is a formidable means aimed at Li Shimin; the road ahead is still extremely thorny.” Translated by foxs

Hearing Bi Xuan’s name, the divine light in Ba Fenghan’s pair of eyes flared brightly, even in the lantern-less room, it was flashing and moving. He spoke calmly, “What are your plans?”

Kou Zhong replied, “I am planning to get a three-thousand-man elite unit inside the treasure-house. Relying on the weapons in the treasure-house, I will launch a surprise attack, using ten-thousand-jun-thunderbolt momentum to seize control of Chang’an.”

Frowning, Ba Fenghan said, “Aren’t three thousand men too few? Even with Li Shimin’s personal soldiers, it is still no more than around six thousand men, merely Li Yuan’s Imperial Guards are already in tens of thousands, and the Changlin Army has not yet been counted inside.”

Kou Zhong replied, “Three thousand is the limit on the number of people that the treasure-house can hold, plus we have to sneak into Guanzhong the gods did not know the ghosts did not perceive. The higher the number, the easier it is for their movement to leak out. Just now I was repeatedly researching this problem with Lei Dage and the others.”

Ba Fenghan said, “These three thousand men must be first-class martial art masters, plus there must be absolutely no question in terms of loyalty. In your opinion, how much time will it take to complete the deployment?”

Kou Zhong replied, “At least one month. There is one more thing I need to tell you: Fu Cailin is also coming to Chang’an.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Revealing a smiling expression, Ba Fenghan said, “Things seem to be getting more and more interesting; coupled with the appearing-and-disappearing-unpredictably-like-a-ghost Shi Zhixuan, this will be our most difficult battle and one that we do not have the confidence the most.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Tomorrow, you and I, plus Hou kid and Yin kid, will set off for Bashu, and enter the Pass via Hanzhong. The rest of the matter here will be handled by Lei Dage and Xingzhi. I hope Laotianye will really be standing on our side, and Li kid will really be the Son of Heaven ordained by heaven.”

Ba Fenghan spoke indifferently, “The final victory will belong to us, I have the confidence that we will overcome everything.”

Kou Zhong’s mind flew over into the great city of Chang’an, the sound of the fierce battle with magnificent army of thousands of men and horses fighting at close quarters seemed to reverberate inside his eardrums.

Ba Fenghan’s pair of eyes lit up with the flames of wisdom, he spoke heavily, “Do you still remember the folksong ‘the Duke Yang’s Treasure-House and the Treasured Jade Annulus of He Clan, obtaining one of the two, one can unify the world’?”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “Of course I remember, in term of wording, there is only one or a half word lacking, but the meaning is the same.” Translated by foxs

Ba Fenghan said, “The Jade Annulus of He Clan has been shared by you, me and Ziling; the Duke Yang’s Treasure-House is currently our most important bargaining chip even more. We really did not just obtain one of two, but we obtained both. Assuming this is the Mandate of Heaven, isn’t the world become what we acquired? How could it fall into someone else’s hands?”

Kou Zhong spoke cheerfully, “Obtaining one of the two, one can unify the world. Like Li kid now, it is like he obtained the treasure house, therefore, the world will be his. We have both, it seems to be a bit too much, so we can only pass it indirectly to him, so that he can go to obtain it. Ha! It’s really interesting, but thinking about it makes people’s heart trembles, could it be that there such a thing as the mandate of heaven?”

Ba Fenghan nodded and said, “The treasured jade annulus saw the light and died; hence it was akin to it never existed, but Li Shimin really obtains the treasure-house. Shi Feixuan’s insight is very accurate. In your Central Earth world in the future, the new generation will be the result of Hu and Han integration. Although you and Ziling are purely Han people, I am actually a Hu person. We are of one mind working together, it is a different kind of Hu and Han unity.”

Kou Zhong showed a thoughtful look, he said, “You should be a Han-transformation Hu

, because you hate your original tribe’s robbing and merciless style, hence you come to the Central Earth to seek for answers in the cultural sense. Many times I have completely forgotten that you are a Hu. Even more brilliant is that Li kid is a Hu-transformation Han, so that the ethnic boundaries become blurry. Song Que pointed out that because Li kid’s Hu-transformation is quite deep, he can implement the universal love policy to various ethnic groups outside the Great Wall, and that is precisely where he surpasses Song Que.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Ba Fenghan muttered the name Song Que in a low voice, and then he slowly said, “I haven’t had the opportunity to ask you about the details of your trip to Lingnan.”

Kou Zhong said, “The meeting with Song Que was a no-nonsense dialogue, Li …”

Ba Fenghan laughed and said, “I only care about what happened between you and Song Yuzhi.”

Kou Zhong was slightly startled, and then he revealed a brilliant smile, and said, “She completely changed her view on me, she forgot all my previous mistakes; at least she did not utter a single word of rejection. She even asked me to keep myself alive and go back to see her.”

“What about Shang Xiufang?” Ba Fenghan asked.

Kou Zhong’s countenance darkened, he smiled bitterly and said, “I don’t dare to think about it, but so what if I did?”

Ba Fenghan said, “For a man to have three wives and four concubines is a common occurrence. Haven’t you ever thought of having an all-embracing approach?”

Kou Zhong stared blankly for a moment, he sighed and said, “In this regard, Ziling’s and my way of thinking is close. The love in one’s heart can only be cast on one person, otherwise the other person has only you in his heart, yet she is not the only one in your heart. This is unfair.” Translated by foxs

Ba Fenghan said, “Your way of thinking stands out from the masses, but I have realized the same principle from the way of the sword. Only by focusing on one thing I can reach the highest realm in the way of the sword; love is also like this. If you have three hearts and two intentions, you will never understand the true meaning of love.”

Kou Zhong said, “Thank you, LaoGe, for this reminder. In life, inevitably there will be regrets, ay!”

Ba Fenghan smiled and said, “In this kind of things, after you made your decision, don’t think too much. It’s late! We’d better have our own dreams, tomorrow we will set off for Chang’an, to see whether the world’s future destiny is really up to us to determine.”

The mountain gate of Jingnian Chanyuan Temple leading up the mountain appeared in the fluttering snow powder ahead. Beyond Xu Ziling’s expectation, Shi Feixuan, dressed in a plain white coat and a long light-yellow cape, stood quietly by the gate, as if waiting for his arrival.

Shi Feixuan passed by him like a gust of wind, and said, “Follow me!”

As if he was under the fairy’s spell, Xu Ziling chased behind her, passing the grassland under the floating and flying rain and snow, coming to the top of a small hill, and standing shoulder to shoulder with her. In the distance ahead stood the City of Luoyang, the central capital. Even in the wind and the snow, it could still give out the glorious feeling of its light. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

No one knew how many times Xu Ziling looked into the distance at this great city, however, all those other times were far less profound than this time. Perhaps it was because of Shi Feixuan, or perhaps it was because of his experience of nearly losing his life to protect Luoyang; even more, probably it was because of the reconciliation and cooperation with Li Shimin.

Between him and Shi Feixuan, there was no longer any barriers of the heart.

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “There has never been any moment I am more weary of the only-those-who-are-ruthless-enough-will-be-able-to-survive dreadful saying than this moment. I just hate it that if I don’t persevere to harden my heart, the world will not have one day of peaceful reunification. Therefore, I have no choice but to continue hardening my heart, until Shimin Xiong ascends the emperor throne.”

Shi Feixuan’s countenance tranquil, her beautiful eyes exuded divine rays of light, she sighed lightly, smiled sweetly, cast him a sidelong glance, and spoke to exhort him, “There is nothing in the world that you guys can’t do!”

Xu Ziling has never seen Shi Feixuan’s touching immortal manner with sweet, imploring laugh like an innocent little girl like this. After staring blankly at her for half a day, he said, “Frankly speaking, the reason Song Que was willing to approve was not because Kou Zhong and I were resourceful, rather, it was because lingshi [your honorable master] moved one step ahead by sending a letter about Li Shimin’s knowledge and experience in governing the world, which moved Song Que’s heart. It caused him to put aside his prejudices and make assuredly the wisest choice, because Feixuan’s insight was absolutely infallible.” Translated by foxs

Shi Feixuan stared at him deeply, expressing the joy in her heart without reservation, she spoke softly, “Oh, Ziling! Do you remember what Feixuan said about the barrier of love is difficult to pass?”

A hard-to-describe feeling welled up in Xu Ziling’s heart, did Shi Feixuan want to talk about love with him? Thinking about it again, he knew that it was not so, because he understood clearly, without any mistake – that she was preserving the Heart of the Sword Brightly Lit realm; nodding his head, he said, “How could I dare to forget!”

Shi Feixuan showed a displeased touching expression; laughing involuntarily, she said, “Sometimes I really think you have quite a Kou Zhong’s style.”

Xu Ziling calmly said, “He and I have the same background and class origin, I can’t help it if under certain circumstances, Jianghu habit appears.”

Shi Feixuan cheerfully said, “Shall we take a walk and chat at the same time? I have a question for you.”

Due to Shi Feixuan’s unusual amiable and approachable manner, a fantastic and overwhelmed-by-favor-from-superior feeling grew in Xu Ziling’s heart. He nodded and said, “Please Feixuan lead the way.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Turning her tender body around, Shi Feixuan walked towards hillslope on the north side, as she spoke casually, “Can you tell me about Shi Qingxuan?”

Smiling bitterly, Xu Ziling said, “If I did not have deep knowledge of what kind of person Feixuan is, I would mistakenly think that Feixuan is probing my situation with her.”

Laughing indifferently, Shi Feixuan turned her pretty face to glower at her, she said, “Remember that sentence that nearly consigned me to eternal damnation?”

Xu Ziling calmly replied, “Of course I remember, it’s just that I never thought about consigning you to eternal damnation, this description, I never thought that Feixuan’s situation would be that grave.”

Shi Feixuan spoke softly, “Do you know why I said that sentence?”

Tranquil, Xu Ziling replied, “It was for Qingxuan, right?”

The two left the hill and strolled on the snowy field in the direction of Luoyang.

Shi Feixuan fixed her gaze at the lights flickering through the hazy wind and snow, she spoke softly, “You figured that out earlier, I was referring to why I gave you such a piece of advice for Shi Qingxuan?”

Xu Ziling shook his head and said, “Until today, I still don’t understand, based on Feixuan’s usual style of conduct, you could not possibly intervene in this kind of boy-girl love affairs, let alone other people’s boy-girl love affairs. I hope Feixuan would not mind if I speak so directly without any scruples? Because I have said other things more disgraceful [of behavior that is unfilial, rebellious or otherwise in grave breach of the norms of society] to you.” Translated by foxs

Shi Feixuan walked slowly, she said, “After Ziling struck and killed the ‘Heavenly Lord’ Xi Ying that day, you hurriedly left Bashu without saying goodbye. Feixuan had no choice but to go to You Lin Xiao Gu to notify Shi Qingxuan. When she saw me, suddenly her whole person seemed to become relaxed and comfortable. Feixuan intuitively felt that she was relieved because you, Xu Ziling did not leave together with me. Furthermore, from this, I understood that Shi Qingxuan, who was used to hiding her inner feelings, had a deeply rooted love toward you, hence the reason I could not help reminding you in Longquan, because I was afraid that you are a big idiot who don’t understand her kindly feelings, who would have thought that it stirred up a feeling that is difficult for me to extricate myself? When I said it like this, is it frank enough?”

Shocked, Xu Ziling looked at her, “Feixuan!” he blurted out.

Shi Feixuan halted her steps and stood still, casting her eyes toward Luoyang City. Snow powder was continuously falling on both of them, the heaven and earth had been completely transformed and purified by the snow, the sparse forests near and far turned into fuzzy silhouette.

Shi Feixuan spoke softly, “It was on the big bridge [I suspect it ought to be ‘Heavenly Bridge’, as the character 大 ‘da’ (big) and 天 ‘tian’ (sky/heaven) are very much alike] of this city that Feixuan first met Ziling. At that time, there was a subtle feeling in my heart, I did not understand it has anything to do with the feeling between men and women at all, I only sensed that you are a person standing out from the masses, a person who will continuously appear in the lake of my heart and that I am unable to forget. Later, you came to Jingnian Chanyuan to look for me, I was standing on the mountain high cliff behind the Chanyuan and looked into the distance at Luoyang. At that time, the scene I was thinking about was I get to know Ziling for the first time over there.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Severely shaken, Xu Ziling’s pair of eyes shot a look of disbelief, unexpectedly Shi Feixuan was revealing her true feelings toward him.

Shi Feixuan’s countenance was calm like still water, she spoke indifferently, “Hence the reason Feixuan made an exception in Longquan to get involve in the matter between you and Shi Qingxuan, who would have thought that because I was retreating, I began to advance instead, provoking the disaster of burning my own body, which was nothing that my expectation could ever reach? But Feixuan did not have the slightest regret, because for Feixuan, Longquan’s experience was like the experience of having been reincarnated one time, which was the most important segment of Feixuan’s life, to have a taste of falling in love with Xu Ziling with my heart and soul, life experience no longer has anything lacking. If it weren’t for this Zen awareness of love, Feixuan might never have a chance to pry into the Heart of the Sword Brightly Lit realm. Now Feixuan no longer has to struggle hard to restrain, everything follows the natural way, therefore, I thickened the skin of my face to inquire about your private matter.”

Taking a deep breath, sighing with myriad of emotion, Xu Ziling spoke slowly, “Feixuan is willing to reveal your feelings with me, I, Xu Ziling will always be grateful. Life contains both the eternal and the transient, these two extreme and contradictory characteristics, just like the moment before us. There is some kind of eternity, never-to-be-extinguished taste, but we also know that all of this will soon become the past, therefore, with Feixuan’s confession that you had fallen in love with me, I greatly feel that this life has no more regrets. If I still greedily insist on it, I will only fail to live up to Feixuan’s expectations to me.” Translated by foxs

Shi Feixuan shook her head and said, “It’s not that I had fallen in love with you, rather, until this moment I still feel that we are falling head over heels in love, which is one kind of eternal, profound, purely spiritual feeling of love, which will forever be accompanying me. Although Feixuan cannot marry you as a wife like ordinary people, but in spirit, there is no difference at all. Oh, Xu Ziling! Do you know that you are the only one who can hurt me? Feixuan once felt hurt for you, fortunately, all this has passed. Now I only hope you can be like Feixuan, regarding the love in Longquan as the reincarnation of the previous life, and treat Shi Qingxuan well, so that she can obtain the greatest happiness that a girl can get.”

Xu Ziling looked up at the snow-flake-swirling-in-the-air night sky, he said, “The firmament really did not treat me, Xu Ziling meagerly. This moment is like being in the deepest, sweetest dream, in itself it has the realm of completeness and self-sufficiency, so I don’t need to think about it. Feixuan, don’t worry! I fully understand your kindly feelings and will not disappoint you.”

‘Pfft!’ Shi Feixuan giggled tenderly, revealing her ten-thousand-kinds of flirtatious expression, as she said cheerfully, “Idle chat is over, it’s time to talk about proper business!”

Xu Ziling spoke calmly, “Proper business? Ha! Unexpectedly I forgot all about them! Where do we start?” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Shi Feixuan leaned towards him, she put her noble jade hand into his grasp. Everything seemed to flow naturally, she pulled him back in the direction of the Chanyuan. Her small cicada head hung down lightly, somewhat unbearably shyly she said, “The meeting is presided over by Shizun, I am only responsible for bringing you to her. Xu Ziling, please don’t speak, let us complete this segment of the journey quietly, all right?”

Xu Ziling felt her immortal hand pulsing and trembling in his hand, so much so that he felt the blood vessels in her whole body, nothing was missing. The deep and sincere love between them was surging back and forth between the two hands, how could he even speak half a word? He obediently followed her, stepping on the thick layer of snow, forging ahead hand in hand in the vast expanse of the whiteness of the wind and the snow.

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