
Chapter Book 13 8: Wang Bo of Changbai

By this time Kou Zhong had already finished narrating everything Wang Shichong said, without leaving anything.

Ba Fenghan was the first to speak, “Turns out the Jade Annulus of He Clan is that strange. But if Ci Hang Jing Zhai and Ning Daoqi could not penetrate its ever-changing secret, I am afraid nobody in the world would be able to.”

Giggling, Kou Zhong said, “I don’t care what strange usefulness or miraculous benefit of the jade annulus, the most urgent thing is to destroy the good relationship between Shi Feixuan and that kid Li Shimin. When I raise my thing in the future, I am going to use it as a handsome seal. Thinking about it, it will be grand and immensely enjoyable! So, are the two of you going to help me or not?”

Ba Fenghan said in straight face, “Helping you is not a problem, but after obtaining the treasure, you must give me eight, ten days to study it.”

Laughing aloud, Kou Zhong said, “Of course there is no problem. We are all brothers, we’ll enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together.”

Ba Fenghan said with a wry smile, “You know how to beat the snake following the rod. Huh? Why do Ziling have deep frown?”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “Even with Fenghan Xiong’s extensive experience, he does not seem to have heard of Jing Nian Chan Yuan’s name. From this, it is obvious that the martial art masters of the Buddhist Hall are genuinely out of the world, who don’t pay attention to the affairs of life. Yet we are going to disturb their peace. How could Xiaodi be happy?”

Letting out a cold snort, Ba Fenghan said, “If they really don’t pay attention to the affairs of life, they shouldn’t have touched the Jade Annulus of He Clan. If they have touched the Jade Annulus of He Clan, then they can’t blame us for stealing the treasure.”

After a short pause, he patted Xu Ziling’s shoulder and said with a smile, “Ziling, relax! We will find a way to determine whether the Jade Annulus of He Clan is really inside the Temple first, before we make our move either to steal or to rob, so you don’t need to feel uneasy!”

Kou Zhong said in astonishment, “I did not expect Ol’ Ba to empathize with Ling Shao like this.”

Sneering, Ba Fenghan replied, “I, Ba Fenghan, rarely made friends with others, but for some reason I hit it off with you guys. Since we are friends, we should be more sympathetic to each other. Giving thought to others is the way of friendship.”

Frowning, Kou Zhong said, “It’s not that I didn’t give thought to Xiao Ling, but the idea you proposed just now is easy to grasp, but difficult to put into practice. Just think! Such a big Buddhist Hall, unless we disturb one of the monks’ peace, grabbing him to be questioned via torture, how are we going to know whether the Jade Annulus of He Clan is in the Temple?”

Ba Fenghan was ready with the answer, “To untie the bell, the bell must be tied first [not sure what it means, must be an idiom]. Listen to my reasoning first!”

Astounded, the two boys asked, “What reasoning?”

Ba Fenghan slyly said, “Supposing that guy called Qin Chuan was really Shi Feixuan in disguise, most likely she had just received the Jade Annulus of He Clan from Ning Daoqi’s hands, before going to test whether Li Shimin has the qualifications to be the future Son of Heaven. Thereupon Ziling was sensing the treasure in her bosom …”

Kou Zhong was shaken, “I got it!” he said, “Therefore, as long as Ziling went to Jing Nian Chan Si to stroll all the way around, he would know where the Jade Annulus of He Clan is hidden, or perhaps it is practically not in the Temple at all! That is indeed a good idea.”

Ba Fenghan’s eyes flickered with cold rays; he spoke in heavy voice, “However, our wishful thinking might completely misfire.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “Since Shi Feixuan felt completely at ease handing the Jade Annulus of He Clan to Liao Kong Chanzhu for safekeeping, she must have full confidence that he has the ability to protect the treasure. Just from the fact that what he is training is called ‘silent meditation’ or something, and that even Wang Shichong is unable to gauge his depth, we know that his accomplishment must not be a small matter.”

Kou Zhong said, “If the treasure can be stolen easily, Wang Shichong has already made his move early on. Hey! Something is not right here.”

The other two cast him a questioning look.

Kou Zhong appeared to be in deep thought. He said, “When I asked why Wang Shichong himself did not send people to steal the treasure, he revealed a bitter expression, as if he was having a pent-up unspoken grievances. Perhaps he has indeed sent martial art masters to probe the actual situation, but failed miserably; hence he pleaded with us to do it.”

Listening to this, Ba Fenghan and Xu Ziling frowned deeply, because if someone has already beaten the grass to scare the snake, even if Shi Feixuan did not hesitate in leaving the treasure in the Temple, Jing Nian Chan Yuan would definitely be on alert, so that the difficulty in stealing the treasure would increase tremendously.”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “Your conjecture makes a lot of sense. I don’t believe Wang Shichong would be willing to trust you like this in such a short time. Besides, anybody could see that you are a highly ambitious person, so it is unlikely that you would be willing to bend under other people’s wild ambition. Therefore, it is possible that this is no more than ‘killing people with borrowed knife’ stratagem. The Jade Annulus of He Clan basically is not in the Temple. This is called ‘before the crafty rabbit is dead, the hunting dog is being cooked first’.”

Smiling ruefully, Kou Zhong said, “Xiongdi is making fun of me again!”

Ba Fenghan burst out laughing and said, “I really don’t get you two. But Ziling’s speculation is very reasonable. This whole thing might be no more than Wang Shichong’s scheme to frame you up, and it looks to me that is the case. Hey! Shangguan Long’s carriage is here!”

Ba Fenghan stepped into the street in large strides. He was about to cross the busy street with endless stream of horse and carriages when Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong pulled him back from left and right. “Why are you pulling me back?” he was puzzled.

Embarrassed, Kou Zhong said, “I forgot to tell you that the two of us lack pleasure house luck; whenever we went to pleasure house, not once we had good result.”

Laughing involuntarily, Ba Fenghan said, “Turns out there is such thing. So should we just go home and sleep now? Or should I attack Shangguan Long and take him to the street, and then you two finish him off?”

With determination in his voice, Xu Ziling said, “Tonight we are going to fight. But at least you should tell us your battle plan!”

Calmly Ba Fenghan said, “Just dealing with a big bandit from Yin Gui Pai, why must we use any plan? Just use the style of horse thief killing people. We come like a thunderbolt, before it reaches their ears, we charge inside, and after catching one, we’ll find a place and let me do the interrogation. I guarantee that he would even spill everything, including his ancient ancestors, out, along with the tray.”

Sneering, Kou Zhong said, “Isn’t that a plan? In the Thirty-Six Stratagems, this one is called ‘using speed to defeat the slow’, to catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack [idiom, from Sunzi\'s “The Art of War”]. But you have to tell us in which courtyard and which wing Shangguan Long’s private chamber is, lest we grope the wrong door.”

Smiling wryly, Ba Fenghan said, “Forgive me for unable to comply to your request, because I don’t know either. Therefore, be prepared to do a room-to-room search, to disturb him and turn his world upside down, while we are having a good stretch at the same time.”

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong looked at each other in shock.

Ba Fenghan smiled and said, “I’ll do the work, two Laodi [lit. old younger brother] please set your heart at ease. I was just joking with you! Come! Pleasure house is the kind of place where as long as you have gold in your purse you may come in. We’ll find four or five nice girls first to chat while taking the time in making our decision!”

Kou Zhong was puzzled, “There are only three of us, why do you want to get four or five, that many girls to accompany us?”

Fixing his gaze at Man Qing Yuan’s main gate across the street, Ba Fenghan slyly said, “This is outside the Thirty-Six Stratagems; the thirty-seventh stratagem is called ‘with many monks there is not enough gruel’ [fig. demand exceeds supply]. Among a group of women fighting over our attention, it is easier to feed the natural appetite and lust of the gentleman. People like you, who are making your debut, must learn this stratagem.”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were amused, while thinking that they had so much to learn.

Chapter 8- Part 2

The more they came in contact with Ba Fenghan, the more they felt that he was so unlike his cold-hearted exterior, but was a lot more witty than an average person.

At this time, several people were coming toward Man Qing Yuan, stopped outside, then confidently walked in. One of them was elegant and charming. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exclaimed together in low voice, “Song Shidao!”

Unexpectedly it was the martial art master from the Song Clan, Song Yuzhi’s second elder brother Song Shidao, whom they have not seen in a very long time.

In the past, it was because Song Shidao had admiration toward Fu Junchuo that he invited them to board his ship sailing to the west. These scenes were still fresh in their mind, as if it happened only yesterday. They could not help feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

By the time the three of them were crossing the street, there were two, three more Wulin figures entered the brothel, as if they already had an appointment.

“Something is fishy,” Ba Fenghan spoke in low voice, “Definitely something is going on at Man Qing Yuan.”

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong nodded their head in agreement.

But because by this time they had reached the Courtyard’s front door, it was inconvenient to talk, therefore they remained silent as they stepped into the door.

Several big men guarding the door immediately stretched out their arms to block the three. They said, “Tonight Man Qing Yuan is reserved by Changbai Wangye [king/prince]; if you do not have invitation forgive us for not being able to entertain you. Three gentlemen please go to another House!”

Kou Zhong was stunned. “Luoyang has a ‘Huangye’ [emperor], that is not strange, what kind of ‘ye’ [master, lord] does Changbai have?”

Noticing the three’s imposing appearance: a scar-faced man, a pockmark-faced man, and a black-faced man, which, obviously were not lay practitioners of Buddhism, the doorkeepers could only swallow their anger and grumpily explained, “Wangye is ‘Zhi Shi Lang’ [lit. the guy (or minister) who understands the era] Wang Bo Daye, not Huangye.”

Hearing that, the three were shocked in their hearts.

Wang Bo was the number one martial art master of Changbai [Changbai is the mountain range on the border between China and North Korea]. In term of martial art skill, his reputation was resounding over the northern area, above Li Mi, Du Fuwei and the likes. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling even had a fight with his heir apparent, Wang Kuijie, who, in term of martial art skill, could also be numbered among top ranking martial art masters. From this, they could infer Wang Bo’s superiority.

Curiously, Wang Bo has always been dominating the Changbai region; why would he suddenly come to Luoyang? Moreover, he seemed to be flaunting his prestige by reserving Man Qing Yuan and holding a big banquet inviting Jianghu friends. Wouldn’t it mean he regarded Wang Shichong as nothing? However, thinking deeper, they knew that right now Wang Shichong was too busy to deal with Wang Bo.

Kou Zhong laughed aloud; sailing with the wind, he said, “Of course we know who Wanggong is! I was just kidding! We came tonight precisely because we have an appointment. It’s just that because we were taking our time that we are half a step late. A moment ago Song Shidao Xiong has just walked in, we are in his party. Our invitation card happened to be in his possession. Don’t believe me? Would Laoxiong do me a favor by taking us to meet him, and you can ask him out!”

None of those guards was not Jianghu veteran; naturally it would not be easy for him to mislead them. One of them laughed and said, “Turns out Song Taiye’s [big master] friends. May I ask three gentlemen’s honorable surname and great given name? Let Xiaoren ask Song Ye first, and then we’ll show gentlemen the way.”

Naturally Kou Zhong had already anticipated this; he gladly said, “Please tell Song Ye that Fu Renzhong is here!”

The man left in a hurry.

The three tactfully stood aside, so that they would not block other guests from entering.

The guests were streaming in endlessly. Looking at their imposing manner, it appeared that they were all important figures of the Jianghu [orig. have head have face].

Kou Zhong took this opportunity to fish for information. First he made an indirect approach toward one of the doorkeepers, “How many girls does your Man Qing Yuan have? What’s this Dage’s honorable surname?”

The one he asked was a rather old man. Oftentimes people with more experience would be reluctant to offend others over trivial matters.

Sure enough, that man replied, “Xiaoren is Li Xiong. You must be new in Luoyang. Our Man Qing Yuan have three hundred girls in total, all are carefully chosen, one in a thousand.”

Xu Ziling, however, had no interest in listening to their exchange; pulling Ba Fenghan three, four steps aside, he spoke in low voice, “This time Wang Bo is having a banquet here, it should be known to everyone; how come Princess did not tell you?”

Frowning, Ba Fenghan replied, “She had no idea I am going to deal with Shangguan Long. But even if she knew but did not tell me, there must be a little problem.”

Meanwhile a group of about a dozen people, with invitation card in their hand, entered the Courtyard gate. Taking a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, Xu Ziling was surprised to see Li Jing among those people. Knowing that Li Jing would recognize his scar face disguise, he hurriedly turned around and hunched his back a little bit.

Kou Zhong, who was fishing for information, was also scared that he immediately closed his mouth, afraid that Li Jing would recognize his voice.

But Li Jing and his party thought that the three were just doorkeepers, so without paying any attention they simply walked in.

Ba Fenghan whispered in Xu Ziling’s ear, “And what a coincidence; you just asked, and here comes the answer.”

Xu Ziling was stunned, “What answer?” he asked.

Smiling wryly, Ba Fenghan said, “Just now that was Wanjing in men’s clothes, with her were, I don’t need to tell you, that kid Li Shimin’s men. Do you understand?”

Kou Zhong came over to the two and said in low voice, “Turns out two major events might be happening simultaneously here tonight: one cultural, the other martial art. Don’t you agree that this is brilliant?”

Ba Fenghan’s expression was back to normal; he laughed and said, “Tell me.”

Kou Zhong said, “The cultural event is that the world-famous talented woman Shang Xiufang may come here to have a performance of singing and dancing. The martial event is that with Wang Bo presiding, there are two great martial artists from outside the country who will have a duel to the death.”

And then, giggling mysteriously, he added, “One of them is our old friend!”

Surprised, the other two asked, “Who is it?”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “It’s Qu Ao, that old kid.”

Listening to him, Xu Ziling and Ba Fenghan looked at each other.

‘Qu Le Eagle’ [I think it was Tiele Eagle previously] Qu Ao was one of the finest martial art masters whose reputation trailed Bi Xuan’s closely. He did not come to give you trouble, you may give thanks to God and consider yourself lucky. But now somebody actually dared to challenge him in a duel. This was really unexpected.

“Who’s the other one?” Ba Fenghan asked in heavy voice.

Kou Zhong replied, “The other is a Tuyuhun, but I do not have his name yet.”

Shaken, Ba Fenghan said, “Must be Tuyuhun king Fu Yun’s son, Fu Qian. When I was north of Xinjiang, I already heard about this man; he is an expert in using spears, on the battlefields his divine bravely unrivalled. Only he has the guts, as well as qualifications, to challenge Qu Ao.”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling immediately recalled Liu Heita has also mentioned this man. He also said that Tuyuhun and Tiele were mortal enemies. No wonder even after they were in the Central Plains, they were still unwilling to let go of each other.

Kou Zhong mumbled to himself, “Turns out that kid who already grew beard when he was still a baby. Ha!”

Song Shidao’s voice came from the distance, “Renzhong! Turns out it is you!”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling turned around to meet Song Shidao, who was walking over toward them, face-to-face.

Song Shidao obviously did not recognize their disguise; he stopped in shock.

Kou Zhong walked over and called in low voice, “It’s me! We are wearing mask. Ay! Our Niang is dead.”

Because of Fu Junchuo’s affair, previously the two boys were having childish jealousy toward Song Shidao. But now that Fu Junchuo was dead, seeing Song Shidao, whose hair was originally jet-black, now the hair on his temples seemed to have sprinkles of white powder, his eyes exuded a grim and melancholy look, which was hard to understand, their hearts were moved, as if they were meeting a long-lost relative; they were filled with an indescribable feeling.

Song Shidao’s body slightly shook; looking up to heaven, there was a hint of glistening teardrops in his eyes. He heaved a deep sigh before hanging down his head and spoke in heavy voice, “Was it Yuwen Huaji, that traitor’s hand?”

Kou Zhong nodded dolefully.

With hatred in his voice Song Shidao said, “Good! Good!”

And then, looking up to heaven again he laughed aloud, but his laughter was filled with indescribable grief and indignation. “Let’s go in and talk!” he said in a clear, bright voice.

Turning around, he led the way. His steps staggered; obviously his was emotionally shaken and had difficulty controlling himself.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had never expected that an elegant, suave, confident and always at ease, man like Song Shidao could have such a deep feeling toward Fu Junchuo. They felt sorry for him, but also unbearably sad.

As they were starting to move, there were light footsteps from behind. As they were turning around to look, the beautiful and flowery Shen Luoyan already threw her tender body in between the two boys, while hooking her pair of jade arms into the crook of the two boys’ arms. Smiling enchantingly, she said, “It’s so difficult to find you! Zhong Shaoye, are you wearing a mask? Is it a premium product from Lu Miaozi’s amazing hands?”

Ba Fenghan took his position behind the three, so that with Song Shidao in front, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and Shen Luoyan in the middle, and Ba Fenghan at the rear, each one with his or her own thought, they walked together toward Man Qing Yuan’s main hall.

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