
Chapter 89: Starting Towns Defence Battle, Again

Yes, yes. Field of view.

People are gathering to the south. I\'ll check the skills while heading over there.

Liselotte-san has….the tertiary versions of «Two-Handed Axe» and «Throwing», and the primary «Dark Magic». Is it for the purpose of [Night Vision] and [Dark Heal]? The rest are passive skills.

Hmm… «Throwing». She can also do long range physical attacks. Come to think of it, did Liselotte-san adventure solo? If you\'re solo, you\'ll need to be able to do a lot of things yourself, so it\'s not a bad thing to have a method for long range attacks. At worst, you can throw stones.

I\'ll put a throwing weapon into the small casket, so that it can be embodied using [Ephemeral Radiance]. A little MP is used each time one is materialised, but they can be thrown all you like. It will increase the fighting power. I\'ll buy it from Ertz-san after the defence battle is over. Kotatsu-san uses throwing weapons, so he should sell them.

A two-handed axe for close combat, throwing weapons for long distance, some self-healing and temporary night vision. Other than that, simple passives for melee combat.

As for the skills, while retaining the skills she had in life, I can also set half the number of my level in «Necromantic Secrets». Up to 50 can be enabled.

The number of servant skills is 20 (skill level / 5), but there are also 20 racial skills, so a total of 40. Using the casket it is up to 50 without any racial skills. So it depends on the body used. What would happen if an inhuman body was put inside?

Well, if you want to, you can customise it without regard to the body\'s pre-death state. In that case, it would be difficult to switch to a different weapon if there is a relic available, so it is a disadvantage. The axe is the best choice.

If you ignore the state of the body during its life, there are bound to be disadvantages… For now, it\'s better not to mess with it.

Oh, there\'s Rina. And Cecil-san is with her.

"Oh, Onee-chan!"

"Yo, Princess."

"Good day. Have you been in town from the start, Cecil-san?"

"Yes, I was. But I didn\'t get an application, so maybe they went to people who came later?"

"I see."

I was curious, because the captains are all different people, but perhaps a person can only take the role once. That means we can go to the front line without hesitation!

"Onee-chan, want to join my party? Ske-san and co. are around somewhere."

"Hmm….there is a lot of prey, so I want to use my servants."

"Summoning slots.."

The number of summons will be limited with more party members.

My sister\'s party has 5 members, so I can only summon one if I join them.

"It\'s everyone\'s idol, Ske-san~!"

"Oh, Ske-san, please sign this contract."

"What\'s that. Scary."

"What about Princess\' party?"

"I\'d like to summon at least two, so I can use them more."

"Kaay. So, buff please."

"Ah, yes."

In the end, we\'re forming a party with the usual members.

""There\'s Princess!""

"Oh, if it isn\'t Ame-san and Thorin-san."


"I\'m summoning two, is that okay?"


"With you too, Ske-san?"


Amethorin-san has joined. It sounds like a gem that is a combination of amethyst and citrine. I guess that\'s how they are because they\'re twins. I\'m glad they get along so well.

<<Participation of a certain number of players has been confirmed, so the server will be divided. If you want to work with an acquaintance or another party, please form a raid or union.>>

"『Oh? Ohh?』"

Ah, the GM has appeared.

"Wahaha! It\'s me! To put it simply, there are too many people, so we\'re splitting them up!"

"The same quest will be performed simultaneously on different servers, so if you want to do it together with someone, please make sure to form a raid or union before the end of the division countdown."

"By the way, when divided like this, the better result will be the one applied!"

So he said, then left.

It does seem like people are packed in so tight that it would be hard to move. If it isn\'t divided, it won\'t be much of a game.

"What to do. Stick together? Or split up?"

"If the better result is used, isn\'t it better to stick together?"

"We\'ve already done it, so they may isolate us from the third batch."

"That\'s good because we can do whatever we want without worrying, but it\'s too unbalanced."

"Most of them are from the third batch. Let\'s set up a union for now."

There should be no problem following the policy decided between Rina and Cecil-san.

Looks like the divided people can choose the leader, so I don\'t need to be the union leader, do I? I\'ll join you, Cecil-san.

It seems that the server split will happen 10 minutes before the start of the quest.

Cecil-san\'s, Kotatsu-san\'s, Ruzebarm-san\'s, Musasabi-san\'s, Fairellen-san\'s, Tomo\'s, Rina\'s, Ellie\'s, and our party?



"Excuse the intrusion…"

"Ah, isn\'t it Lapis-san.

"We had a free slot, so we brought her in. Yours is an Immortals group, right?"

Apparently Lapis-san has joined the Tomosugu party.


"Hyahahaha! It\'s been a while!"

Fairellen-san\'s party. The group location shows after joining the union. Everyone is gathering.

Fairellen-san\'s group has Mohican-san, Mead-san, Cupid-san, Clementia-san and…Mutt-san.

"You can pet me all you like, Princess!"

That\'s a big dog. A hellhound. It looks cool, but the difference between his appearance and his behaviour….



"Mu! Princess\' fluids! Licky~…. gefu! Dying! I\'m dying!"

"What the hell are you doing…."

"As expected of a mutt."

"Let\'s leave him be."

A hellhound flailing about, and everyone else ignoring it.

By the way, his name is Vincent. It\'s cool. But that\'s unrelated to what he says and does.

"How lively. Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning!"

Ellie and Abbie have also come.

"Oh, the division will be soon."

The count progressed, then when the time came, we were transferred.

But it\'s a duplicate map, so there\'s no change in appearance. If anything, the population density has decreased. This is not just divided in two, is it?


"It has decreased a lot, degozaruna!

"It was a troublesome amount to join."

The parties of Ruzebarm-san, Musasabi-san and Kotatsu-san have also arrived. So the union has gathered.

"This reduction, it isn\'t just split in two?"

"Looks that way?"

"Seems so, degozaruna."

<<Searching for suitable Outsiders to fill WQuest positions….>>

As a result, the roles did not come to us, so was it once only after all?

"Alright, alright, we can go to the front lines!"

"10 minutes to go. We should get ready."

Time to summon then. Check the skills….and summon a floating fortress of flesh.

"So Onee-chan can even summon something like that now…."

"Ohh, what\'s this Princess?"

"It\'s a floating fortress of flesh."

"A tank, huh."

"I thought I\'d let it run into the group of goblins, so I added «Higher Physical Immunity» and «Unknown Organisation» for abnormal conditions."

"Goblins, run away!"

"So, #1, please raise your skills."

The tentacles are flapping like usual, so I will leave it to #1. Goblins won\'t be able to get past «Higher Physical Immunity». I also want to head out and improve my tentacle skills.

I\'ll leave defeating them to Liselotte-san. So…..eh? Could it be that the default activation key is different for each character.

"A spilled dream, a doll in the void. Once again, let your heart beat…. Liselotte."

Once I set the summoning position next to me, magic power begins to gather and form a human figure. Colour starts to spread from the extremities, and a few seconds later there is an expressionless Liselotte-san.

Liselotte-san holds out her right hand and her large two-handed axe rises into her grasp from the shadow cast by her arm.

With the butt of the axe resting on the ground, Liselotte-san stands immobile.

When I look at it again, the design of this axe….it seems to be something made by the Mi-go and Yith…. No, it\'s cool though?

Someone with her physique swings this huge thing around.

"Details, Princess!"

"This is the [Ephemeral Doll] from the [Coffin of Dreams]. I just got the body, and this is the first time I\'ve summoned it. It took a lot of MP….It\'s quite a high consumption for a servant."

"Hohh~…..I want one too!"

"It was a coffin quest. I aimed to clear it while leaving the body intact as much as possible."


"Mumu…..the little sister role…."

"No, I sent the soul to the Nether…."

"Oh, that so?"

We have a little time before we start, so I will talk about the quest and Liselotte-san.

"Hey….that\'s such a heavy quest."

"It was a bit of a challenge to come up with a solution….I\'m glad I\'m a Nemeseia."

"I can\'t do that quest, can I?"

"In the first place, Liselotte-san is already here, so maybe it will be a different setting?"

"That\'s true. Hmmm….."

"You still have to raise them, so I think it\'s best to decide based on the relic and appearance."

"Appearance is important. It has to look like something you would want to summon!"

I think Liselotte-san was best in terms of the quest. I have no complaints about her being a melee attacker.

"Right. Ellie and Abbie, what do you think would be a good nickname for Liselotte?"

"Liselotte…..is it German?"

"Elisabeth and Charlotte!"

"Lise and Lotte are too normal. Lottie or Lili?"

"Are you going with a cute one? She uses a two-handed axe, so how about Lisa or Lizzy?"

"Right….Then let\'s go with Lizzy. No, wait, it\'s not #1 inside, is it?"

Seems not. Then I\'ll call her Lizzy.

No response. She doesn\'t talk and her facial expression doesn\'t change….

"Right, Kotatsu-san."

"Oh? What?"

"What kind of throwing weapons do you have?"

"Eh, throwing?"

"This girl has a «Throwing» skill."

"Oh! Well….. first of all, stones. Ones that have been processed will be more effective than those that are just picked up. Then there\'s throwing knives or tomahawks."

"Is the knife the basic choice?"

"Yes. Tomahawk if you want more power in one shot. The tomahawk is powerful, but the problem is the high cost and low hit rate…."

Stones can be improved with «Craftsmanship». The basic is the low cost, low power throwing knife. If you want more power, use the tomahawk. The Tomahawk is stronger but more expensive to produce than the knife, and more difficult to make a clean hit with.

"Actually, rather than just a tomahawk, it\'s more efficient to throw them with an atlatl…."

"Ah…..you used that when we were camping."

"Yeah, yeah, that. It\'s much easier. Easier than throwing knives, to be honest. It\'s certainly the tomahawk if you\'re only looking for power. The downside is that you can only really use it for throwing? It\'s a bit awkward to handle."

"Since her main weapon is a two-handed axe, the atlatl is not the best…."

"There is the tomahawk, francisca, kunai, shuriken, chakram, and so on."

There is something to it. The biggest problem with throwing weapons is the number of projectiles, which is solved with [Ephemeral Radiance]. It does cost MP, though.

"Other than that….Maybe a kusarigama (chain sickle) or a morningstar?"

"Are they still considered ‘throwing\' weapons?"

"You can use them with «Whip» too."

According to Kotatsu-san and Ellie, they can be thrown using «Throwing» and manipulated with «Whip».

Hmmm….did she have some kind of sub-weapon?

Lizzy, who was standing there with no expression, suddenly turned her gaze toward the forest.

Goblins have begun to swarm out.

"Oh, it\'s starting."

"Let\'s go, let\'s go."

If you see one…..huh, Goblin-san is the other world\'s cockroach.

They\'re forming up side by side, facing us.

<<World Quest: Starting Town Defence Battle has begun.>>


It started!

"#1, it\'s okay to charge in. Show me how you fight, Lizzy."

#1 moves ahead, intentionally getting surrounded by goblins. Whenever he is hit, he strikes them with his tentacles, with a chance to inflict an abnormal condition. The enemies at a distance are attacked by spawns.

And Lizzy is….. Ahh….. I thought it was a big two-handed axe, but it can split…..

"Hey, isn\'t Lizzy kinda cool?"

"Princess, what…! What is that axe!?"

"Well, I wonder what that axe is. I didn\'t expect it to have a gimmick…."

It\'s a relic, so I didn\'t prepare it myself… But…. I see, that explains her skills.

Lizzy\'s weapon is a double-edged, two-handed axe…more like a labrys than a halberd. However, one blade is large and the other is a bit smaller.

The smaller one flies, while spinning, before returning for Lizzy to catch it in her left hand and throw it out again. It\'s like a tomahawk boomerang, with Lizzy charging in after it, swinging her single-bladed two-handed axe at the goblins.

The flying axe returns after cutting several goblins in half, but rather than being caught by hand, it is directly received by the two-handed axe, mid-swing….

"The goblins are too weak to judge the power, but…strong. She\'ll be a mainstay, after all. Given the relics and fighting style, is luck a big factor? That said, you\'ll be able to train them, so it might just be a margin of error in the end. It is the appearance and relics you should care about."

Contrary to his appearance, #1 has a simple way of fighting. A floating mass of flesh, that counters with a hit every time it is hit, is rather plain….

Dare I say, it\'s kind of a scummy attack from behind an impenetrable physique. Well, it has the role of tank, so it\'s fine.

Then once they have been inflicted with an abnormal condition they are hunted down by someone else, so very useful. Lizzy is just flashy.

Lizzy has just made a large jump. She is spinning in the air, the axe swinging with her. She\'s coated in a red light, so it\'s an attack art.

And when she hits the ground, the enemies are thrown up while taking damage. Immediately after that, she starts swinging her axe about. There are no enemies because the whole area was engulfed….

No…. I see, she is using the two-handed axe to hit knocked up stones, killing distant goblins with them….

"Amazing…. I can feel romance from it…."

"Onee-chan, I want to do it too!"

"Yeah, do your best?"

"The first part is probably a tertiary art for two-handed axe….. But what\'s going on with the flying stones….?"

She has started thinking about it while defeating enemies.

I will attack and defeat goblins that head for me, without avoiding them. It\'s impossible for mere goblins to get past the «Higher Physical Immunity».

"Alf is forbidden from foreign words from now on."

"Huh? Fine. Then you stop speaking like an Ojou-sama."

"Huh? That\'s just fine!"

"Hey, can you stop with that character?"

"Ah, yes."

"But Onee is fine."

"Will you stop please~"

""We have to suffer that instead!?""

Looking in the direction of that voice, this….is another intense character…


"Ara, those are some wonderful legs."


Certainly, they are very pretty legs, though.

It is an Onee-san in a Chinese dress. With a big slit! It goes from the waist, not just the thighs. That\'s very aggressive…..! A blue Chinese dress and high heels. And a silver hairpin… Is it the moon? Her main weapon is a bo staff.

"Hyahahaha! If it isn\'t Mizuki!"

"Ara, what a coincidence, Mohican. Are you burning today too?"

"Gyahahaha! Of course!"

"So you two are acquaintances! Seeing you both together is too violent."

"Can\'t you see more~?"

"Hyahahaha! It\'s throbbing!


Of course, we\'re in the middle of a battle. This is terrible.

The China dress Onee….Mizuki-san, it seems. Beautiful moon! Well, mm. I guess it\'s good.

The image of her together with Mohican-san is amazing. Mizuki is a thin, macho type. She\'s slender and maybe a little over 170cm. And due to the high heels, around mid-170\'s. Would you call her eyes ‘sanpaku\'?

"The net is wide!"


Yes, it\'s wide. The things humans come up with is vast. …Well, it\'s interesting to see.

Anyway, there are clearly more hobgoblins than goblins. I wonder if it depends on the level of the participants.

But the difference between goblins and hobgoblins is just a margin of error. At this rate, the number of elites is also likely to increase.

By the way, this might be the first time I have been able to see a «Puppet Magic» battle up close.

Abbie is using an attack doll with a two-handed hammer. A defence doll with a large shield. And three support dolls, with one-handed swords and circular shields.

The size of each doll is about one metre.

Right after the defence doll guards, the support doll kills the enemy from behind, with a [Backstab].

When a support doll sweeps an enemy\'s foot, the attack doll kills it with [Heavy Stamp].

The attack doll is able to kill instantly, even by itself, using attack arts.

Hmm…seems interesting. The dolls are quite busy cooperating with each other.

Dorie-san stays with the unprotected caster as a guard, overwhelming any goblins that come over. She is using «Martial Arts», while dressed in her steampunk-style maid outfit.

Ellie is using her whip to stall and obstruct, while Letty-san uses her dagger to finish them off.

The enemies are weak, but there are a lot of them, so it would be nice if skills rise to some extent. I think the primary passive skills should go up reasonably well….

I am attacking the enemies held by #1 with [Grand Thrust] of «Serpentine Sword», wiping them out. Their HP is decreasing due to the abnormal conditions, so it is easy. Well…I am quickly surrounded anyway. It\'s good for gaining experience for «Serpentine Sword». It\'s still low.

The long distance attacks that fly over here get reflected back, hitting other enemies. Long range mobs are a source of damage for me.

I wonder, will the thieves on Ride Bugs come again this time?

If so, should I head up there when they do? Though it should be okay, because we have Fairellen-san and others now. Most people who use bows now have anti-air attacks too…

"I thought so, but I think it\'s better that I am not the commander anymore…"


"My field of vision has changed since evolving, so I can\'t see as far. It could be quite fatal to not be able to see the whole battlefield from the headquarters in a defence battle."

"Oh, so the blindfold is not just decorative…"

No, well, I didn\'t expect to run into this kind of problem. The range expands as the skill level increases, but it\'s a problem that I can\'t even see vaguely beyond that range. On the other hand, even if it is just barely in range, I can see clearly and from any angle.

"Oh, wait….If I send #1 as a spirit, I could see with [Shared Vision]. Though there are restrictions on summoning, mumumu…. And if I\'m not the commander, I can go to the front lines like this. Should I still decline in the future?"

"It\'s a pity that I can\'t get Onee-chan\'s buffs."

"It\'s good for improving leadership skills, though."

Put into perspective, there is only one advantage to being commander, hence why it is considered a volunteer. Moreover, in my case, I can improve my leadership skills using servants.

I think I should give it to someone else. Let\'s pass it off to Cecil-san.

"Oi, scum! You\'re disgusting, so hurry up and die!"

"Aah? Don\'t mess with me you trash!"

Mizuki-san is letting out some quite dreadful shouts as she knocks down the goblins.

"Gyahahaha! This guy is as normal!"

"This is lol!"

Mizuki-san actually seems to be from the second batch.

"Well, as long as it isn\'t directed this way."

"Ara~ Isn\'t it Cecil-chan~"

Oh, Cecil-san\'s standard smile is twitching. I won\'t help. I don\'t interfere in people\'s love lives. That\'s their problem!

In a sense, this is a bonus stage, and I want to improve my low skills. I\'d like to improve «Serpentine Sword», the passive and abnormal condition skills, as well as «Holy Magic» and «Shadow Magic». More counters for «Sphere of Shaking Flesh» would be nice too.

They are not low, but since #1 and Lizzy are summoned, «Necromantic Secrets», «Undead General» and «Great Art» will go up by themselves.

Ah…..Maybe it\'s better to remove «Higher Physical Immunity» from #1. That way I can raise «Holy Magic». Let\'s give him another skill. And resummon #1.

….There is plenty of leeway without it. This is the way to go.

"Oh, the Ride Bugs have come!"

"Speaking of which, is the headquarters okay?"

"If not, they\'ll call for help."

Guess so. I would not expect them to die instantly.

There are more than first time, but the elites are falling quickly to the anti-air fire from the ground, and the inhuman flight unit.

"What the hell! Damn gobs!"

"Having them fall from above is dangerous."

Honestly, you need to be cautious of what is overhead.

The goblins that fall towards me are struck by tentacles to deflect them, followed by tentacles sprouting from the ground to finish them off.

"Fufu…. Pathetic. Like moths to a flame."

"Saying it that way. Who\'s the villain here?"

"Would you like a fresh catch?"

"I will politely decline."

"Oh, I\'m sorry. It melted because of the abnormal conditions."

"You\'ll die if you eat it!?"

Well, apparently goblin meat is inedible in the first place. Goblins are numerous, but only their magic stones are of use. Their equipment is also very poor. If they use iron, it\'s good. Iron is useful for many things. Though perhaps not so much from a players point of view.

The goblins that make it past #1 and attack me are then left unattended. They are in the pathetic state of being hit by tentacle counterattacks, inflicted with fear, and gradually beaten down by tentacles and abnormal conditions. There is no escape option for this AI.

Thank you very much, for helping to improve my skills.

Elsewhere, the elites are being beaten to a pulp as soon as they come down.

"It looks like we missed a few, degozaruna."

"Well, they\'re not busy over there, right?"


Ruzebarm-san is right, the captains are just watching. It will help them kill time.

Finally, the elites are on the move. In a sense, the real action starts here.

Lizzy is…no problem. And #1…looks like his health has started to decrease nicely when surrounded? «Holy Magic» is making nice progress.

Me? There\'s no need to even bring it up, unless they are in the general class. They can\'t make it through «Higher Physical Immunity» in the first place.

"…Mm? Oops…."

"Ah, so you\'re unharmed."

"I also have «Higher Magic Immunity», so [Explosion] is within the limit."

I\'d like to raise my magic defence, so I want you to shoot me more and more.

….Shall I stand by the port of Inbamunt next time? The magic from the Carabin Toxo, and the tentacles of the Feeler Kalkinion. Wouldn\'t those be very good for raising defence? Even if immunity nullifies the damage, it is still judged as being hit, so grants experience.

[Grand Thrust] gets rid of those gathering around #1. The ones that are left are on the verge of death, so I can leave them be as they go beat themselves to death against #1. The elites will be replenished with new ones soon, so it\'s quite a delicious quest, huh? Though I don\'t know in the case of tertiary skills…

"Isn\'t it about time for a world quest to occur in another area?"

"Maybe, but it\'s still only here."

"Now that the chronicle quests have started, I wonder if there will be some linked ones?"

What Cecil-san says does seem possible.

I\'ve only done the church related one so far, so it might be interesting to search for others.

"That said, I haven\'t seen signs of anything other than these goblins."

"Wasn\'t the cause of goblins the number of kills?"

"Is it waiting for the third batch to grow up? Once they spread out, we\'ll find them."

That\'s true, too.

Honestly, I\'m curious about a world quest in Inbamunt. Would there be a naval battle? I\'m really looking forward to it.

It\'s getting cleaner. Will the General move soon?

"Is it about to move, degozaruka?"

"Well, are the captains ready for the last rush?"

"Ah, degozaruka…."

"The tanks have grown up, so it\'s fine."

"Ah, that\'s right. A tank from the first batch should be stronger than the General"

The General this time is level 37. Last time he was 36, so he is only 1 level higher. Like other goblins, the General\'s level may vary a little.

However, the first batch is already over 40. There should be no problems.

The skills are growing nicely.

«Serpentine Sword»\'s level 10 art is [Air Thrust]. It\'s an aerial version of [Grand Thrust]. Unfortunately, the time for this is up.

"It\'s moving!"

"Oh, let\'s go too."

What should I do……

Hmmm… shall we play with the others, while beating the general with tentacles. It\'s okay to send Lizzy towards the General. But since most people will be caught by the boss…now is the best time to improve skills!

So, I\'ll just hit the general with tentacles when I feel like it, and stick him with some conditions.

While I\'m doing that, the General is shut down by the first batch tanks, and it is goodbye. There is no glory like the first time…

Rest in peace.

"『It\'s our victory!』"

<<World Quest: Starting Town Defence Battle, complete.>>

<<Checking quest evaluation………>>

<<Officer deaths………0>>

<<Commander deaths………0>>

<<Outsider deaths……….2528>>

<<Damage to defence target……0%>>

<<Resident deaths……0>>

<<Clear evaluation……….S Clear!>>

<<A bonus will be rewarded for a perfect clear.>>

<<For being protected unharmed, Resident evaluation of Outsiders has improved.>>

The closing lines are different for different people, aren\'t they? Maybe considering their position and gender. The start was also different…..? Well…it\'s fine.

It is only by 1, but the base level has gone up, I was able to raise my skills and there is a monetary reward of 150,000. Yeah, it\'s still tasty.

Now, I\'ll go back to town and take my time checking the skills.

I also want to deposit money and have a lot of garbage goblin materials to dispose of…

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