
Chapter 35 Eerie Gleam

[Hidden ability Prophecy was activated.]

[Just now the heir saw his bleak future.]

Ethan sat in the passenger seat, staring blankly at the screen in front of him. It took a few seconds for him to process what had just happened before he used divine sense, ignoring the resulting headache.

His blood ran cold as he sensed a bomb and a hidden camera in the van. He had been too weak before to use divine sense, which required mental energy, but who would have expected a bomb in a random van?

He shouted, "Izora, stop the van!"

Izora looked bewildered and asked, "What?"

Ethan repeated, "There is a bomb in the van!"

Izora\'s gaze widened and a hint of panic appeared on her face as she hit the brakes and the van skidded to a stop. They both jumped out of the van, with Ethan almost falling to the ground. Izora rushed towards him and supported him, and they quickly moved away from the van.

Izora slumped on the pavement, gasping for breath, while Ethan leaned against a nearby pole for support. After a few moments, Izora asked, "What about that Sam?"

Ethan shook his head, with the memory of the sudden blast still fresh in his mind, and said, "Our safety is more important. Let\'s call the police first."

After he got the information of those assassins from Sam\'s boss, he had asked Izora to contact the special department of police, the mystic control division.

The mystic control division handled all the matters related to the mystics and drifters. Ethan was sure that the ruckus that the \'Zero\' group was causing, though unknown to the public, was being investigated by this department.

This was difficult for Izora as she once already got betrayed by the police; she didn\'t trust them at all. She was really unlucky that the person she got in contact with worked with the dark moon. So Ethan was grateful that Izora was able to trust him in this.

Ethan had asked her to only mention the assassins and not Sam. His plan was simple. He would go near the police station and then contact the dark moon again, telling them that if they didn\'t listen to his conditions he\'d give Sam to the police.

It was a risky gamble, with the potential for Izora\'s daughter, Sydney, to be harmed. However, Ethan couldn\'t think of any other viable option. But fate had other plans.

Unexpectedly, Ethan contracted the dreaded Rave virus, which caused even Nyx to fall silent. On top of that, there was a bomb in the van, and Ethan was suddenly getting some new hidden abilities.

He also couldn\'t help but worry about Sasha, and with so many questions and problems arising, Ethan\'s headache began to intensify.

Thankfully, Ethan felt his body steadily recovering with each passing second. He turned to Izora, extending his hand and taking a deep breath before saying, "Izora, just a little further."

She met his gaze and nodded in agreement. They made their way to a nearby house and knocked on the door, their luck finally seeming to take a turn for the better.

The residents of the home turned out to be an elderly couple, and though they were hesitant to involve themselves in any trouble, they did allow Ethan  to charge his mobile phone, despite refusing to let them use their landline.


Kim and Derek were glued to the tablet screen and then exchanged glances. Though they couldn\'t hear what Ethan said but by his reaction, they knew it was about the bomb in the van.

Kim asked, bewildered. "How did he suddenly know?"

Derek chuckled with narrowed eyes. "As expected of Ethan. He always surprises me. More importantly, where are they right now?"

Kim nodded and after sometime told him in a strange tone. "Sheyden area."

Derek\'s expression changed. He sprang up at his feet and said, "How? This…"

Looking at his flickering expression, Kim sighed. "Derek, we still have time. Fuse is operating in that area so we should contact him to get Sam."

Derek clenched his fists, his jaw set firmly as he nodded in agreement. His eyes held a complicated mix of emotions as he spoke again, his tone grave. "Tell him not to kill Ethan."

They sprang into action, with the chubby man taking the wheel with Derek, Kim; while several mystics and drifters piled into different cars, all racing towards Ethan\'s location. It was a race against time.

The assassin from Fear had already left, and would likely meet her end. The traitorous member of the organization was on par with Derek in terms of strength, though heavily injured.

Derek had merely wanted to test the waters, hoping that the assassin would succeed in killing that bastard and sparing him the trouble of dirtying his own hands.

Derek had instructed Fuse and his team to share a live feed of their actions, so that he and Kim could monitor the situation. They watched intently as two men on bikes arrived at the location first.

As the two men raced towards the van, a figure suddenly darted towards them from a nearby house. Kim\'s eyes widened in disbelief as she realized it was Ethan, moving at a speed faster than the bikes.

The camera feed flickered and went out, causing Kim\'s heart to race even faster. When it came back on, the sight of Ethan standing over the camera sent chills down her spine.

His cold eyes seemed to bore into her through the screen, as if he knew they were watching. Suddenly, with a crushing stomp, he destroyed the camera.

Kim was left stunned and confused. She had just witnessed Ethan\'s weakened state mere minutes ago, and now he was displaying an incredible level of strength and agility. How was this even possible?

A low chuckle from beside her made her heart jump. She turned to face Derek, who was wearing a disturbingly wide smile and had an eerie gleam in his eyes.



[Name: Ethan Chase] | [Title: Heir ] | [Level: 22]

[Current State: Recovering]

『Health: (80/100) [x 3]』

『Arcane Points: (90/90) [x 3]』

『Stress: (50/100)』

『Charm: (100/100)』

『Special Points: 415』

『Fragments of Obsidian used: (210/??)』


『Strength: 17.5 (+17.5) [x 3]』|『Agility: 8 (x 3) [x 10]』|『S. Stamina: 20 (+20)』

『Health RR: 3 [x 3]』|『 Arcane RR: 60 (x5) [x 3]』|『IQ: 125 』

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